I saw part of an MSNBC segment this morning about several states promoting this curricular "cooperation". Unfortunately, I didn't catch the name of the two panelists, although one was a guy from the English Only organization, another a lamebrain in support of the Spanish curriculum addition. As I listened to this woman speak, it became very clear what she's advocating: America has an obligation to learn Spanish and soak up its culture, seeing as Mexico is our neighbor and we're inextricably linked. Of course, she made some hackneyed reference to the "global economy". She refused to address the issue of assimilation, or what benefit this curriculum is to students hailing from south of the border. It was all about further Hispanicizing America and how this will greatly enrich us. I was thinking, God help us if this is the orientation of those who support this nonsense---and I suspect it is. The guy from English-only was great. He questioned how a Mexican curriculum could possibly contribute to assimilation, and said that we need to be focused on the development of high tech and hard science proficiency in students, and that Mexico has never shown a propensity for intellectual rigor or academic excellence in its institutions.

Folks, this is something that has to be confronted. I'm not sure by what means, but I believe this has the potential to seriously compromise our nation if it's not held in check. If anyone has any ideas, I am more than willing to devote some time to this. I'm glad it's starting to get some media attention because I think it will come under serious fire by many Americans once they're aware of it.