John Lillpop

Albeit, San Jose does not have the cleanest air in the nation.

Even so, the skies went dark and a foul odor, reminiscent of the days when this town was mostly about cow chips rather than silicon ones, permeate the air on this June day.

Flipping open the local rag for a hint as to what might be causing the nasty air disturbance, I found my answer on the first page: Mexican President Felipe Calderon is in town!

Nothing can pollute the air quicker and with such force as a visit from the president of that third-world, failed state known in genteel circles as Mexico.

And what, pray tell, brings the goofy beggar to San Jose on what would have otherwise been a beautiful day?

( ) Another rant about U.S. immigration law, especially that hideous encroachment into the comfort and well-being of Mexican illegal aliens just signed into law by the governor of Alabama?

() A strategy session with the ACLU, La Raza and other anti-American heretics (Democrats) on how to deal with excessive Americanism in Georgia, Indiana, Utah and other states FINALLY awakening to the fact that illegal aliens from Mexico are a financial and cultural disaster?

( ) To present a repayment plan to reimburse the U.S. for the $110 billion a year that American taxpayers waste on illegal aliens?

( ) To work on a suit to be filed in the world court against the U.S. Supreme Court for two recent rulings that went against illegal aliens and for U.S. citizens?

Alas, none of the above is the correct answer.

As it turns out, the bumbling Mexican is in San Jose seeking (begging) a loan for the completion of that border fence that is being built to keep poor invaders from Guatemala from invading Mexico!

Odd, that, you say. Why would the U.S. want to spend money on a border fence in Mexico when we need security at our own borders?

The answer is simple. Calderon is dealing with Congressional Democrats whom he knows are as dumb as Mexican field mice.

Thus, in his pitch to Senators Boxer and Feinstein and House Democrats, Calderon will claim that the only reason Mexico is building the fence is to keep unskilled, uneducated, poor Guatemalans from invading America via Mexico!

It’s all about American sovereignty, rule of law, and secure borders, don’t you see? If it were not for Mexico’s genuine concern for America and her taxpayers, every damn Guatemalan in the world would be free—even welcome-- to invade Mexico without the slightest fuss!

Out of the goodness of his heart, Calderon is willing to build that fence, provided his Yankee "useful idiots"—the Democrats—front him a billion.

Pesos, that is, the dollar is too unstable, don’t you know?

There you have it! With Mexico now being run by drug cartels and whore mongers, the President is free to roam the vast reaches of America, cup in hand, whilst bitching about our laws and culture.

A message seems appropriate to the delusional president:

Rather than fretting about how Americans administer the rule of law in America, focus your brilliant mind and boundless energy on fixing Mexico!

In other words, get your nose out of America’s business and keep it out!