We recently had two b.s. artists on this site. One of them, Roberto, was a polite b.s. artist, and the other, P.J. Bingo, was an insulting b.s. artist. But its the same stink. They have no truth in them. They don't want to DEBATE the real issues, they want to OBSCURE the real issues. While I admit theres a certain pleasure in using them for target practise and blowing big holes in their hot air balloons, after a certain point it gets to be an exercize in futility. Its like trying to get an honest answer from a compulsive liar. My point is: we need to learn to make quick meat of these b.s. artists, expose them for what they are, and then hoot them off the stage of public opinion. Because time is getting short. Keep in mind, these b.s. artists know they don't need to win the debate; all they need to do is stall for time, confuse as many people as possible with their b.s., and throw as many monkey wrenches into our plans as they can. And then, 20 years from now, so many illegal immigrants will have flooded into the country that it'll be beyond the point of no return and we won't be able to repair the damage to our country. For that reason alone, we can't waste any time with these trolls and b.s. artists.

They can't argue with us over the facts, with common sense and honest logic: because, quite frankly, our level of Mass Immigration -- both illegal and legal -- is INSANE. And the destructive effects of this madness on the American body is so obvious, that the ones who don't see it -- like this Roberto troll -- don't WANT to see it. Usually because its in their own limited self-interests not to see it. So why waste time leading a horse (full of manure) to water.....

That said, I'm going to summarize the 3 basic lines of b.s. that these b.s. artists spew, along with 3 quick possible responses. This is really their whole act, they have nothing more to offer than this. But we need to recognize these 3 lines of b.s. immediately and make quick work of the b.s. artists:

1.) "Immigration is the American tradition." B.S.! America has never allowed any where NEAR the level of Mass Immigration we're presently allowing. We've always had fixed immigration quotas as well as all sorts of restrictions as to who we would or wouldn't let into this country.

2.) "You're racists and xenophobic." B.S.! If protecting and controlling our borders is "racist," then every nation under the sun is "racist." As for "xenophobia," we've let more foreigners flood into our country over the last 30 years than any nation in history! By that definition, we've been the LEAST xenophobic nation in history. Which shows you just how bogus the xenophobia charge is.

3.) "Mass immigration and our exploding population growth has been a benefit to American society and increased our standard of living." B'S.! This charge is so full of B.S. it doesn't even warrant a response. I'd just steer our detractors to the THOUSANDS of threads on this site that point out the devestating and obvious negative effects that illegal immigation is having on our country, economically, culturally, socially, and by any OTHER barometer that you wish to measure the effect by.

And in my opinion, thats as much as a response as these b.s. artists deserve. And remember: they don't want to debate the real issues; they want to obscure the real issues.