I am not advocateing larger government, but our debates and elections are of the utmost importance if we are to remain a free and soverign nation.

Ever notice how the debates are run by private enterprise? Of course you have. Since our constitution outlines how often we must hold elections for elected positions, my view is that the debates should be a function of the government. This way, the debates can be fairly run without any elimination of certain candidates because they don't meet the standards of support currently dictated by the media, which is a load of crap becuase it allows the media to manipulate which candidates and which issues we are exposed to. They are monopolizing the political process in this country and it needs to stop. We need to federalize the debates to keep an honest forum of issues. If we don't, the media will continue to manipulate us. Most of you already know this.

The media's concern is more time for the more supported candidates to be able to discuss in depth the issues facing this country. I understand that. The problem is they only want to donate so much time. If the government broadcasted the debates, C-Span could be used and the donated time factor would go out the window. As a function of the government, no candidate would be subject to elimination.

Another advantage is that the debates could be re-run at any time. Those who work odd shifts could still have access. The MSM will not do this. The government could also hold more debates than what we currently see. Voters would be really informed and voter turn-out, I believe, would skyrocket.

It would seem like some of the time, privatization falls under less scrutiney than things that are run by the federal government. Maybe that's why the government has paid private contractors in the past for $75.00 toilet seats. If the government had to put in place the checks and balances for each project that was being contracted by private firms, they would be better off doing the work themselves. This may not be true in all cases, but look what the media is doing with our debates. I may not have stated or proposed all of this as well as most of you can, but I think most or all of you get my drift.