I know some people think he is a nut. I agree with him on a lot of things and sometimes I don't, anywho. To me the Foreign Secretary saying anything about lawsuits against our National Guard troops for doing there job is nonsense. Why even threaten or bring up lawsuits if you are not threatening?

"Millions of Canadians aren't illegally crossing into America. That's because Canada has a good economy, a strong middle class, and a workable society. Mexico has none of those things, despite fabulous wealth in the form of oil and other fossil fuels and two spectacular coastlines. But because of the incredible corruption throughout Mexico, 40% of its citizens live below the poverty line and few foreign investors will put money into that country. Thus Mexico exports its poverty problem to the USA. After hearing President Bush order 6,000 National Guard troops to the southern border, Mexico's Foreign Secretary Luis Ernesto Derbez threatened to 'immediately start filing lawsuits through our consulates.' Okay, then Mr. Secretary, here's a no-spin message back to you - if the Mexican government files one lawsuit in the USA pertaining to the National Guard, I will call for a total boycott of Mexican goods and no travel to your country. That may sound presumptuous, but enough's enough. We in America have a right to security and a right to expect our immigration laws to be enforced. Mexico has an obligation to work with our National Guard, not sue it. And by the way, Mr. Secretary, you're welcome on The Factor any time."

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The Factor was joined by Rob Allyn, a public relations specialist who represents the Mexican government. "I think you're misreading the situation," Allyn stated. "There was no threat. Secretary Derbez was responding to a hypothetical that nobody expects will exist. President Bush made it clear the National Guard will not be used to detain or arrest immigrants at the border." Latin expert Mark Falcoff agreed that Derbez was not issuing a threat. "The Foreign Secretary's statement was extremely moderate. Some of the things we saw in recent demonstrations were much more inflammatory and provocative than anything he said." The Factor maintained that Derbez's statement had the ring of a direct challenge. "I and every other person that I know, when we heard what Secretary Derbez said, we took it as a threat."