I got a call today from the Congress , " giving me an award for natural leardership " - my secretary took a message .
I called back and there was a message from Tom Reynolds , cogressman-Republican , offering me to join Advisory commeette - for $700 and dinner with president for $5000 .
They are telling that I should be interested in the topic because as a taxpayer my burden is high and they are trying to "help " us with it .
I asked what is Mr.Thomas Reynolds policy on Illegal immigration and the answer was - we are trying to help them so there will be enough of work power in the country and all the businesses would benefit from this .
Then they asked me if they can place my name in their Newspaper polls and then I will be available to have an interview with them
.................................................. .
After all this happy talk I asked them - are you aware that I cannot vote yet ??? They said - NO , then excused themselves and said they were sorry for the mistake
So , I missed the dinner with a president ............as far as I understood - if I have a business here - my voting rights do not really matter
I can imagine how much confusion is going on in the country .
And how many people never said that they cannot vote yet .
Maybe I should go there and say it later - I think it could be helpful