It seems as though Bush and many other politicians believe that foreigners cannot be discouraged from migrating to the U.S. illegally unless we provide some type of guest worker program.

But why? Isn't that type of thinking one of the main problems with the liberals of today? It sounds exactly like the same old song and dance of "the U.S. government should pave a pathway for anyone and everyone else in this world to escape as much personal responsibility as possible."

People migrate to the U.S. illegally because we provide them with something they cannot find at home. It is as simple as that. STOP GIVING THEM WHAT THEY WANT! That's the only way to encourage them not to come here illegally.

We already have an immigration process in place. The reason it is not working is because we do not enforce it -not because we need to add to it or change it.

How about we document the people who come here illegally by making an example out of them by denying them any chance of citizenship for life?

Sound harsh?

I've seen people try to sneak into rock concerts. They are kicked out and sometimes arrested. There's no program set up for them to pay their way into the show. If your first step into a new place is an illegal one, you are proving by your own actions that you are not going to respect the rules because you have already shown disrespect.

When your child steals something from the store, how do you handle it? Do you pay for the item and set up a payment program for your child to work off the debt? Do you tell your child, "Maybe you could have had it if you asked, but since you stole, you will NEVER get it." I guess if you do not care about teaching your child morals and values, it does not really matter. But for the rest of us who care about the future... we want to show people the right way to handle situations and also what happens if they do things the wrong way.

I fancy a future where people caught migrating to the U.S. illegally are held accountable for their actions. They will pay for their crimes by taking these "jobs that Americans do not want" as a "community service" without pay (like many other processed criminals). Why not? They're hard workers. If my brothers and sisters who broke the law are forced to pick up trash on the side of the road without pay in exchange for staying out of jail, I believe my new brothers and sisters from foreign nations should be expected to follow the same rules once they arrive. If they do not like it, they do not have to come to our country waving a foreign flag, breaking our laws, and pissing in our faces with false claims of racism and inaccurate history.