Hey Alipacers! Dixie did DC!

I came home to 1776 e-mails in my box! Can you believe that?

I tried to write something on the plane, after I woke up from my nap but this is what you are getting instead. Hopefully, I didn’t snore, drool or talk in my sleep. I never sleep in public so I know I was exhausted. Now that I have had some time to wash DC off in the shower, I’m going to tell you about it.

By the time I got home this evening, I only had two fingernails left so I know I worked hard. If how tired I am is any indication of our effectiveness on the DC politial machine, then we conquered the Amnesty beast this week.

I want to say this, I have spent the last few days following our fearless leader, William Gheen around and I’m convinced he is everything he seems to be. Also, he is very quick to recognize and appreciate the efforts and accomplishments of others. I can’t tell you how many times he thanked me and acknowledged my participation, as well as others. He is very gracious and realizes that no man is an island. In my honest opinion, William Gheen is a compassionate, tireless, dedicated and determined patriot of this cause, as well as a true gentleman. Alipacers, you could not be supporting a better man.

Wow! I met many of our fellow Alipacers and they were all lovely and dedicated people. I really enjoyed visiting and meeting everyone. Garsh, wish we could have stayed longer and enjoyed the fellowship.

Also, I had the pleasure of meeting longtime and newer activist in our movement. Some faces were recognizable from the many videos, which have been shot around the country and have been brought home to us via the internet. In a surreal way, I already knew everyone. I can honestly say that every person you see on YouTube and other places around the net are very dedicated and passionate. They are patriots and they are real people. Knowing this we must also admit that the opposition aka “The Goons Gone Wild”, which appear at every event are equally as real.

I’m still tired and I need to deal with a dead goldfish in a minute. I just know it was murdered by the fish sitter!

Thanks to everyone that gave us support fromt he homefront! You are just as important as those that were able to attend the event. Some day, I hope to meet everyone of you.
