Has anyone even noticed that Lou Dobbs never mentions the fact that the Republican's in the U.S. House of Representative have been the only thing standing between us and amnesty? I know he talks about border security, the war on the middle class, and other things of interest to us, but I've yet to hear him, in an effort to prevent a future amnesty, support keeping the Republican majority in the U.S. House.

I know Lou Dobbs is an independent, but could he possibly be okay with amnesty and a guest worker program? His main topics of late are always Iraq, border security, voting machines, and other related items, but I don't think I've ever heard him speak against amnesty or a guest worker program. Unfortunately, I don't watch the show each and every night due to other obligations - maybe I've missed something.

Someone please tell me why he doesn't push for a Republican controlled U.S. House, because the thought of Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) as House Speaker is giving me some serious nightmares!

Oh, and another thing. The recent poll that was conducted on his show asking the viewers who they thought would provide better border security, Democrats or Republicans really sent a confusing message to me. I couldn't believe the viewers, by an overwhelming margin, voted Democrat. Are people out there really that misinformed on the issue of border security or was the fix in?