This is posted in announcements as well!

If you want ALIPAC and allied groups to remain able to go on national TV, then take action now!

Friends of ALIPAC,

The SPLC, ADL, Media Matters, and National Council of La Raza, have launched a coordinated multi-million dollar smear campaign against ALIPAC and allied organizations. Their goal is clear, they want to stop us from being able to speak in ALL media, with specific focus on the major news networks like Fox, MSNBC, and CNN.

They are also targeting Bill O’Reilly, Glenn Beck, and Lou Dobbs!

Their effort can be viewed at www.wecanstopthehate(dot)org <--- (link disabled, add a dot to your browser to view) ALIPAC is targeted in their video titled, "Code Words of Hate" and in a new release from the SPLC.

They are making false claims of racism and making the ridiculous claim that we are all speaking in "code" to create more hate crimes against Hispanics.

As FAIR has pointed out here, the SPLC is lying about the crime statistics.

SPLC Manipulates Crime Data in Attempt to Stop the Immigration Debate

If you want your opinions to be heard in the media, please take immediate action by following these simple activist instructions.

1. Help ALIPAC distribute our press release today. Please read it to increase your understanding and then forward it to your press contacts with a supportive note.

Southern Poverty Law Center Exposed for Lying to the Press & Public

2. Please read ALIPAC's letter that is being sent to all major news networks and show hosts. Please craft your own letter and mail it in. E-mails may help some, but please make sure you mail in a hard copy. This would be a great time for ALIPAC's black and Hispanic supporters to really step forward in our defense. Feel free to defend ALIPAC and or other groups and hosts under attack that you like.

ALIPAC Responds to attacks and addresses major news networks

3. We need posts on websites and calls into talk radio. Talk radio show hosts are also being approached by these groups. These groups like the SPLC have thrown their credibility into the toilette, if American hears from you on the talk radio shows.

Please read their hit piece on ALIPAC's William Gheen that contains 9 documented lies.

Then access our Talk Radio directory and start writing to talk show hosts and calling in to get on the air to let La Raza, The ADL, the SPLC, Media Matters, and the SPLC have a piece of your mind.

SPLC Takes a Swipe at ALIPAC and Misses! 9 documented lies!

ALIPAC's National Talk Radio Directory

Don't let them silence us all. Move while there is time to put a stop to this!