Illegals and their supporters set to make 50K calls to Senators.
Patriots must match and exceed them!

Hi DREAM Supporter,

No is the simple answer. DREAM was going to be voted on today but the vote was pushed back a few days giving us time to make more calls and get more support for the bill.

In the House we were able to get 8 republicans to support DREAM and we are hoping this additional time will allow for us to get additional members in the Senate.

So what you should know is that DREAM has not failed; in fact it is in a better position than ever before. DREAM is very much still alive and will have its final vote in the Senate in the next couple of days. We need your calls now more than ever. Join us in making 50,000 calls to Senators.
"Hi I was calling to ask the senator to vote yes on the DREAM Act when it comes up for a vote next week."

Keep the calls coming, they are really getting noticed here in D.C.

Mohammad Abdollahi
co-founder of