Actually all I've been drinking is coffee with a bit of brandy(cold)

I have been watching vids posted here by others and I'm getting pretty sick.

I've seen stories that say we are going to be a hispanic country , its happening at lightning speed , We've all seen it , We have seen it happening the past 10 years.
the cause is illegal immigration and anchor babies from 3rd world hispanic countries.

In some places "Americans" are now the minority (No , I'm not talking about just whites) I'm talking about people that embrace a separate society for hispanics , At super speed they are taking over our towns , our cities and our states with their friends , the limp wristed liberals.

Now this is the scary part , At the rate they are going , and at the evidence that has been posted on this site , they will gain control in as little as 20 years. they hate Americans and especially white Americans.

Am I the only one seeing a genocide coming that will pale next to anything Hitler could imagine?

I'm a student of history and I'm afraid , deathly afraid because I see it coming.

Can we count on our military to protect us? Not hardly , illegal foreign nationals are running around in our military uniforms , A large part of our military is now hispanics , police forces , border patrol ,
We have already learned these people are highly ethnically protective.

Illegal foreign nationals freely roam the halls of congress ,their supporters have high administration and advisory postitions in Obomas
administration . Even states that began a movement to curtail illegal aliens are being shot down one and almost all.

I'm willing to bet that if the libs keep control of the presidency and senate that in the next 4 years of their power websites and forums like this will be outlawed as la raza and SPLC gain more and more power
not to mention the seiu thug illegal alien union.

Is this a rant or untruth , or have I had to much brandy?