I have medical coverage and I often go into E.R for a procedure that I can only get in E.R.

I called para-medics to take me to Renoun South and was told it was on look-down because it could not take anymore patients. I was taken to Renoun North and had an 8hr wait in E.R. ending in a 3 day stay which was a nightmare in it self.

A week after being released I had to go again. So I drove to Renoun North and there were so many babies and pregnant women, but I cannot say if they were all illegal or legal, but it was plain to see they were not all emergencies. Majority of them were Hispanic. They were so full that a man, who was obviously an emergency, was on a gurney in the waiting room waiting for a empty room in emergency.

I ended up, after an hour wait, taking a taxi to Renoun South costing me $40. (Another x-ray.)

Emergencies can no longer be treated as an emergency.Since Hispanics make up 20% of Reno’s population, it is obvious that many of them were illegal and are using E.R. as their primary care physician and my insurance is footing the bill because Renoun has to be re-imbursed. So, during my admittance I was given as many as a dozen blood test and 6 test that I do not believe was necessary and released after being treated with the procedure I had came in for in the first place. It was not until then that I realized my admittances and procedures were routine for profit.

We are paying for illegal’s medical care when they do not have medical coverage. The procedures I went in for was done and treated on my release. The CAT scan, MRI’s, x-ray, EKG and ECG were all negative and unnecessary. We are paying for illegals treatment and the expansion of the Hospital.

This in not the first nightmare I have experienced at the Hospital.