The poster using the name El_Tejano (a supporter of illegal aliens) has been banned from the ALIPAC Boards. His/Her posts will remain for public viewing as his positions illustrate to the American public what kind of racist, subversive, terroristic threats our nation faces from the likes of 'El Tejano'

You can view El-T's posts via the profile at this link.

El Tejano is banned for violating several of ALIPAC's rules.

#1 Racism. His statements are clearly racist and his focus is on race and ethnicity. He advocates support for illegal immigration due to ethnic identity.

#2 Advocating Violence His statements indicate that he favors militant tactics and the taking of US territory through force. He does not acknowledge US control of the SW states. An area illegal aliens call Aztlan.

#3 Rudeness to other users and trollish behavior. Making personal attacks and accusations.

ALIPAC does all it can to run a good forum, but we do not tolerate the fringe elements that are growing in the illegal immigration movement that advocate racism, violence, and Treason against the US Government and the citizens of this nation. That includes illegal alien supporters like El Tejano.

We support free speech at ALIPAC. We do not support hate mongering racist pro-illegal alien rebels like El Tejano. He should be informed that advocating armed rebellion in the US is a serious violation of Federal Law.




6. Disclaimer: ALIPAC is not responsible for the content of posts, comments, articles, and links to other organizations. Posting here does not imply endorsement or support. If you see something you don't like contact a moderator. Always remember that the ALIPAC user ID is used by several people.