Never mind that illegal alien amnesty by executive fiat is an act of war upon the people of the U.S., or treasonous, unconstitutional, fascistic, or "the end of America as we know it." After the Dictator Usurper does the crime, even two months later, it will be as impossible to undo as restuffing a pillow with its feathers that are blown to the wind. The invited invaders instantly make Christians, conservatives, and patriots "the old guard", "dinosaurs" of no further value to the new NWO serfdom of North America or Anglo-America.

Anything about pre-9/11 America will eventually become unknown except in the dusty archives of pre-Internet libraries.
The coup d'etat took place on Nov. 4, 2008. What will one call what happens on Nov. 4, 2014? Not "Viva la revolución." More like, "Submit or die; your children will submit."

No one with the least bit of wisdom expects the rapture to occur the night before the United States of America cease to exist as a free and sovereign nation under God, the God of the Bible, the cross, and the empty tomb, the Creator and the Lord of the heavens and the earth. Jesus said, "No man knows the day or the hour when the Son of Man comes." From "In the beginning, God," to "'Surely I am coming quickly.' Amen. Even so, come, Lord Jesus!" there is not the faintest hint that Jesus will rescue and deliver this Christian nation when He comes like a thief in the night to snatch away all who believe from God's wrath to come.

Anyone who still imagines that on Nov. 7, 2016, America will turn back toward Norman Rockwell, Ronald Reagan, and the Cleaver Family, must grapple now with the fact that no communist, totalitarian state has ever been made free by a mere election. You must even less expect free, fair, and no-fraud elections than we had in '08, '10, and '12. Remember the Alamo and the Twin Towers, and the church and your parents who raised you. "He who lives by the sword shall die by the sword." Live free or die, patriot.