William suggested I post my experience with Elizabeth Dole and the illegal immigration issue on the website for your edification. I have written her numerous times and from different forums--some emails, a couple of letters and some faxes. I have written about DIFFERENT illegal immigration issues each time except one that, by error, I emailed twice. To date, I have received SEVEN of the EXACT SAME LETTERS from her!!
And, every single one of them seems as if she has not an original thought in her brain but follows the administration like a lamb led to slaughter.

After receiving THREE of the exact same form letters in ONE DAY, I wrote a personal letter to her and told her that, if she could not answer my INDIVIDUAL questions, not to bother to send me anymore of her form letters. About a week later, I received a call from one of her aides who babbled for 10 minutes about how she just had "so much mail about these "hot button" issues, that it would be impossible for her to reply to each issue". I told him that she had gotten my first vote and my last vote.

Also, I would add that Congressman Howard Coble has been absolutely THE BEST representative that I could ask for. He ALWAYS answers my letters and they actually address the issues that I have written about. He doesn't always agree with my position but at least he writes and explains, in detail, his position and the reason for same. I would never vote for ANYONE against Howard Coble.

I wish some of you who are represented by Senator Dole would write or email her about illegal immigration and see how many letters you can get that are carbon copies of the ones I've received.