Elsmere is a great town -- unless you're Mexican


People see the things that we do. But God knows why we do them.

The pictures on the front page of The News-Journal told an incredible story. The one picture was of our town sign: "Elsmere: a wonderful place to live."

The other picture next to it: of a Mexican woman, looking heart-broken; told the rest of the story. Yes, Elsmere is a great place to live ... unless you're brown; unless you are Mexican.

What this town has done is create laws that have made life more difficult for a targeted group of people.

Now hear me well: I am not, in any way, endorsing anything that is illegal.

According to the law, the police now have the right to ticket "those people," and if they don't pay the fine, they have the right to issue a warrant for their arrest.

But every Christian knows, just because it's legal, does not mean that it is right. Abortion is legal in this country, and we absolutely believe that it is wrong.

Did Mexicans get their cars tagged in Pennsylvania because it was easier, and/or cheaper?

And if the issue really is -- they need to get Delaware tags -- then why not do something to help them get their cars tagged here?

Laws are put in place to help society.

But the founder of our faith makes it clear: people always come first; laws are not what matter most; people are.

And if a law is created in order to target a certain group of people, if it's intent is to make life more difficult for them; then that law is morally wrong.

Again and again, Jesus broke the law in order to show the people in authority, that their focus was wrong. And don't try to minimize this reality by claiming that the laws Jesus broke were religious laws. In the 1st century Palestinian world, religious laws were civil laws!

They didn't kill Jesus because he was a nice guy; they killed him because he threatened the way they lived their life: because he welcomed those who were outcasts; he made friends with outsiders; he would dine with those foreigners.

Jesus said: blest are these poor ones; Holy are these "little ones" who are persecuted: And he told his disciples: you who have much; you must welcome and serve those who are the least among you.

People want to believe that if it's American and legal, then it must be Christian. Don't be naïve. Christianity is far more demanding than most of us have allowed ourselves to believe.

I'm not being a maverick; I'm not being radical. Read the stories for yourself; see what Jesus did; and listen to what he told others to do. And then you'll know for sure. It is absolutely clear where Jesus would stand on this issue.

Some have said that if the Mexicans aren't welcome here, then they should move out, that they should boycott the businesses of Elsmere.

But I say only one voice has been heard.

There is another voice, a loud and caring Christian voice that says: Bienvenidos! You are most certainly welcome here!

The way we move forward, will be determined by what we choose as more important: the way of Jesus, or, as has been said: "get them out of this town!"

And only the welcomed presence of God, seen in what we call "God's least little Ones," will determine ultimately whether Elsmere really is: a wonderful place to live!

The Rev. Gregory Corrigan is the pastor of Corpus Christi Parish in Elsmere.

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GAH! Everytime I read these "have mercy on the illegal" peices, written by members of the clergy, I wanna hurl. If they support the unlaw presence of illegal aliens aren't they, by proxy, supporting those that exploit them? I want to leave a comment on this peice but I am afraid my knowledge of scripture is pretty rusty. If anyone knows of any verses that counter those he quoted, feel free to ad them to this thread.