Since Ms. Arellano feels so strongly about her case and the laws of our country, I think all the facts should be brought to the table. She does not get to pick and chose what details she feels like including in her media game.

I would like to see a full investigation of her case with particular attention to the following details:

1. Sauls birth certificate.
This needs to be verified and checked that it's legitimate. Ms. Arellano has a history of using fraudulent documents and it is of upmost importance that an outside party verify that Saul was indeed born in the United States.

2. The father.
This should be on the birth certificate right? This tiny detail needs to be brought out into the light. The fact that this is not being made known makes the whole issue even more suspicious and would possibly have future effects on changing our 14th amendment.

Who should we contact to get this information? An investigative reporter or an attorney general? ICE?

If there are any other things that should be brought up please share. It's only fair that every thing be considered if we have to be constantly bombarded with her demands even when she is back in her home country.