Can you all believe Elvira is blameing the U.S. government for her plight.The United States Government gave them illegals to come to America and work withour papers! Now this is what she said on the O'Reilley Factor last night. This woman is responsible for her own short comings and misgivings. She chose to come here illegally not one time but two times. She and only she, used a ssn that she knew was not hers or that she was using someone elses ssn. It was she (Elvira) who decided to have a anchor baby just so she could stay here. Also, she was given the chance to take her son with her but she declined. In a nut shell, she has no one but herself to blame for misfortune. These children born on U.S. soil should not be given citizenship, This Anchor Baby is just making matters worse. Just goes to show you, these people know how to use the system to their advantage and they are the ones who put their kids in this predicament and then lay blame on The United States.