Here's the original article

Here's Jake Jacobsen's edited version. (Jake's Edits)

Two and half months have passed since Elvira Arellano took sanctuary here at a northwest side church, defying U.S. government efforts to deport her to Mexico law enforcement. Arellano is optimistic about her prospects, and says her struggle to resist deportation continue breaking the law to remain with her 7-year-old son Saul, who is a U.S. citizen, is worth the fight.

“If I don’t fight, nothing will happen,” (Is anything happening now? Your ass is still here, noticeably un-deported)Arellano told the World in Spanish during an Oct. 30 interview at Adalberto United Methodist Church. “I have a lot to gain if I stand up against deportation the laws of this sovereign nation.”

As president of the locally based group La Familia Latina Unida, Arellano has become a national symbol of undocumentedillegal parents who want to stay in the U.S. with their citizen children. She said her group is dedicated to helping families who are being separated by flawed immigration lawstheir decision to break the law to stay together.

“Our aim is a collective demand to end the unjust deportations of parentsenforcement of least the ones WE don't want enforced,” Arellano said. “It’s ironic that immigration laws are being proposed and debated, yet daily deportations, raids and unjust immigration policies continue to be enforced by the Department of Homeland Security.” Jeez. DHS makes a pitiful stab at arresting a few thousand of the MILLIONS of illegal aliens that are here, and she gets her knickers in a twist!

President Bush recently signed legislation to create a 700-mile border fence that would stretch along a third of the 2,000-mile U.S.-Mexico border, saying that his administration and the Republican-controlled Congress are getting tough on border security and taking aggressive steps to combat “illegal immigration.”illegal immigration.

“It’s a political game employed by the Republicans (except those who are fond of cheap labor at the expense of American citizens) to gain the conservative vote in the November elections,” said Arellano. “I tell people to register and go out and vote, especially the youth who could vote on behalf of their immigrant parents (NOTE: She means illegal alien parents here...otherwise they could vote for themselves). If the elections go well, and the Democrats win back Congress, there is a better chance for my case and for the immigrant rights movement as a wholea free pass for all the lawbreakers who came here illegally.”

“We are just parents who came here (illegally) to work (illegally),” she said. “None of us came here (illegally) to be called terrorists or criminalswhat we are. We came here in search of our dreams.” (Would that be dreams of breaking a string of laws in another country?)

Arellano said unity with non-Latino communities is important. “As undocumented workersillegal aliens we suffer the same racism (the race of...illegal aliens>) and discrimination as the African American community,” she said. African Americans are, by definition, Americans. Citizens. With civil rights in this country that you do not have because you're an -- say it with me -- ILLEGAL ALIEN. “Our communities need to support one another.”

Last September, a federal judge rejected a lawsuit filed on behalf of Saul that argued his civil rights would be violated if his mother were deported. Ding! Ding! Ding! We have a winner!

In mid-October Arellano filed a national class action lawsuit on behalf of millions of U.S. citizen children against the U.S. government, President Bush, Attorney General Alberto Gonzalez and Homeland Security Chief Michael Chertoff. The lawsuit argues that U.S. deportation policies that tear apart families are essentially a form of child abuse. MJ sez: If families being torn apart by deportation is a form of child abuse, then let's look to the person responsible, shall we? Perhaps the person who wilfully broke the law?

La Familia Latina Unida organized a busload of citizen children, their parents and supporters to travel to Washington on Nov. 2 to support the lawsuit. Isn't that precious? Illegal aliens making demands of our government. The sad thing is that some politicians (like my own congressman race pandering whore, Luis Gutierrez) scramble to listen to them, while ignoring those they've been elected to serve.

Cook County Commissioner Roberto Maldonado (another race pandering whore in whose district I live), inspired by Arellano’s courage (!!!), drafted a bill calling for the county, which includes Chicago, to be designated a sanctuary for immigrantsillegal aliens. The measure would prohibit county employees from asking people about their immigration status, thereby ensuring that undocumentedillegal immigrants would have access to all county services. AAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!!!

Elvira Arellano’s son Saul told the World, “I want the president to stop the raids and to help children stay with their moms and dads.” He said his mother is special because “she wants to stay here with me.” Speaking of child abuse...

“Saulito” said he wants to be a fireman when he grows up because he likes helping people. He loves the Chicago White Sox and the Chicago Bears. His favorite subjects in school are math and working with computers. Superman, Spiderman and Batman are his favorite comic super-heroes. If he had to leave, he said, he would miss his school and friends. Of course he would. Perhaps his mother should have thought about that before she came here illegally and had a child.

Elvira Arellano said Saulito’s father “does not play a role in our family.”

“I am his mother and his father right now,” she said. I'm not even going to touch that one.
Arellano said she does not feel like a prisoner holed up in the church. She has everything she needs, including her computer and a phone. “At least I don’t have to worry about paying for gas right now,” she said, smiling. Or, evidently, about being deported almost 3 months after she was supposed to turn herself in.

She wished she could have attended a friend’s recent wedding, or another friend’s Quinceanera birthday party. But “ultimately,” she said, “my time and my complete energy is dedicated to my organization and my son.” Is it just me, or do you think she listed her priorities in the exact order that she meant?

“In everything I do, I am always trying to fight for Saulito’s future,” she said. “I want a life full of security, to protect his rights and to be a good role model in his life, an example, to struggle and fight for justice, to teach him what is right and fair.” OK. We're all waiting for you start. Any time now...