Chicago, 18 of December.- The Mexican activist Elvira Arellano, deported from the U.S. four months ago, plans to head a commemorative march of the immigrant movement on May 1st in Washington D.C..

"If that is required in order to restart the fight for legalization, I am willing to face the consequences", she expressed. Nevertheless, she prefered to maintain in reserve the details of this decision, which she still has to analyze regarding its benefit.

For now, the woman from Michoacan is dedicated to collecting signatures of support to demand the cessation of raids and deportations, who in the case of her absence, her son Saul will carry them to the U.S. Congress.

Elvira may be talking out of her a$$, but Dobbs and others need to call Elvira's bluff. If she goes ahead with this, it will help the pro-enforcement movement tremendousely by waking up the sleeping giant.
Inform radio stations about this. I am sure that open border activists will not be happy with Elvira's arrogance and will try to calm her down. If her promise to march in D.C. is advertised by the media. Elvira will have to come through in order to appear as a leader to all the illegals in the U.S.