What about illegal immigration? Name one person you know, besides your congressperson or the president, that is in favor of (a) illegal immigrants coming into the US (b) giving illegal immigrants drivers licenses (c) giving illegal immigrants welfare (d) giving illegal immigrants free medical care (e) giving illegal immigrants reduced college tuition (f) allowing the children of illegal immigrants born in the US to automatically become United States citizens (g) allowing illegal immigrants to vote without showing proof of US citizenship (h) not requiring illegal immigrants as well as all immigrants to speak ENGLISH and to require all signs on businesses to be in ENGLISH.

After George gets his way he will issue an order that says something like "In the Interest of National Security I hereby declare these Documents (immigration reform) to be sealed and kept out of public view until the year 2080." What he is really saying is that he and all of his cronies will be dead by then and it won't make a damn bit of difference what we, the American People, see then! We will all be dead by then too and they figure no one will ever give a darn about what they did 80 to 100 years earlier!