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  1. #1
    Senior Member Skip's Avatar
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    DECEMBER 8, 2006

    Escondido right to act against invasion

    By: RUSIAN L. FAUST, JR. - Commentary

    Wait a minute ---- some people and some landlords are saying if illegal immigrants work here, that gives them a constitutional right to live here.

    If an employer hires an illegal immigrant, it is against the law. If a landlord rents to illegal immigrants, then they and these employers are harboring lawbreakers. Not all illegal immigrants seek work; many more are seeking privileges, benefits, welfare, free medical, having babies so they can claim a family member is a citizen. Illegals choose to disrupt their families when they leave their homeland. Why blame family disruption on the United States?

    Employers, landlords and illegals should not be privileged to live beyond the law.

    Oh, by the way, I wonder how many landlords are living in the area of their low-cost rentals, some in areas of squalor or poverty. Being in quest of the almighty dollar does not help our citizens and taxpayers and does not give landlords the right to harbor illegals. Escondido, San Diego County and our nation are experiencing an illegal invasion.

    If the illegals would organize, protest and make demands on their homeland, where they send billions of U.S. dollars, maybe they could become leaders in seeking a good life for themselves and their countrymen, instead of demanding benefits and privileges that are draining our tax rolls and changing our society, customs, traditions and threatening our sovereignty.

    Any nation that allows the illegal invasion such as we are experiencing will not and cannot exist as a desirable place to live.

    If our federal government will not protect us, then we must protect ourselves through our local and state governments.

    Our government was established to protect our nation's citizens, not for demands of noncitizens that are here illegally as part of the invasion crossing our open borders.

    The majority of our Escondido City Council, and a few other groups and organizations in our area, have finally seen the light. The Escondido City Council decided, however, to seek high-priced legal counsel instead of relying on the city attorneys. The city attorneys should be competent; if not, why do we have them? Did they not advise the council that the new rental ordinance would stand up in court? Outside legal advice believes differently, so the city is willing to accept this and disregard the fact that if immigration laws were broken prior to the effective date of the ordinance, that is OK. Well, well, it seems that the ACLU and other civil rights groups in opposition to the rental ordinance might win again. What's new, what's next?

    Wake up, people. Wake up, Congress. Wake up, legal and justice systems. Don't give our country away.

    We welcome all those who desire and are willing to come here legally. Many good and wonderful people can enhance their lives and our nation, if only they obey our laws.

    Rusian L. Faust Jr. lives in Escondido. ... 2_7_06.txt

    Comments On This Story

    Tom wrote on December 07, 2006 9:52 PM:"Here! Here! An invasion it is. Now let's stop claiming that it's 11 million. That was last years total. Every year another million get in so now it's 12 million and next year it's 13 million. But really our government is notorious for low balling estimates. It's really more like 20 million according to several polls."

    Press 1 for English, Press 2 for Deportation wrote on December 07, 2006 11:50 PM:"Thanks for the good thoughts Rusian. I think it is time to organize a group of attorneys who can travel around to the various cities, like Escondido, with the guts to stand up to the ACLU (Alien Civil Liberties Union). Where does the ACLU get all its money anyways?"

    Nonsense wrote on December 08, 2006 1:29 AM:"We are all immigrants, and if you ask Native Americans, illegal. Every generation of immigrants is attack by those who came before. The funny thing is, our country is stronger because of those who come here and seek the opportunity that America offers."

    El Guero wrote on December 08, 2006 7:17 AM:"Thank you, Ruslan, for providing an antidote to Eric Parish's pro-illegal immigration poison. I, too, regret the Escondido city manager's attempt to water down the ordinance to make it palatable to Judge Houston. It shows weakness when what's needed is conviction. But the common-sense merits of the ordinance can't be disputed, at least by rational people, which we know Parish and the opinion scribblers at the North County Times aren't."

    Radical Geezer wrote on December 08, 2006 8:39 AM:"What a surprise that the NC Times printed this letter when it is usually promoting some type of amnesty for illegals. Faust makes some excellent points but forgets to mention that we simply cannot continue to afford the services illegals use while our own citizens suffer. Until we provide our own children a quality education, improve test scores and drop out rates, or see more of our high school graduates pursue higher education, we have no business providing people who cannot speak English with an education for free. Once our own elderly, mentally ill and disabled receive quality medical attention and services, we shouldn't be handing out expensive health care for free to non-citizens who illegally entered the country. The price American taxpayers pay for the generousity of providing these services for free to those who do not contribute to them will bankrupt the country. Wall street may suffer, but it is time that we fine companies that use illegal labor and jail CEO's for tax evasion."

    wrote on December 08, 2006 9:48 AM:"Great article! Right on every point, full of common sense. We should all print it out and mail it to George Bush, John McCain, Bill Richardson, the ACLU, and others who think amnesty is a good idea. The United States of America is a great Country because we are a Democracy, and a Country of LAWS. America welcomes legal immigrants, not ILLEGAL aliens. We have voted out the neo-cons do nothing good Congress. Now we need to pressure the new Congress to build the fence, increase the Border Patrol, fine, deport and whatever it takes to fix the problem. "

    GREAT article. wrote on December 08, 2006 10:17 AM:"These ILLEGAL immigrants bring NOTHING to this country."

    For Rusian wrote on December 08, 2006 11:46 AM:"What kind of name is Rusian? It doesn't sound American."

    Actually Invaded! wrote on December 08, 2006 12:50 PM:"'No State shall, without the consent of Congress, . . . engage in War, unless actually invaded . . . .' US Constitution, Article I, Section 10. Escondido and California have been 'actually invaded'! Federal permission to address this actual invasion IS NOT NEEDED under an express provision of the US Constitution!"

    Slumlords Crimes
    wrote on December 08, 2006 12:59 PM:"It is a federal crime to harbor illegal aliens. 8 USC 1324. The courts have said that to 'harbor' means to 'afford shelter'. A landlord who knowingly, or with a reckless disregard for the truth, rents to an illegal alien is harboring an illegal alien. Harboring is one of the last crimes committed in the transactions of the human smuggling. Landlords who harbor illegal aliens should be aware that: 'One of the new tools that helps ICE fight human smuggling and trafficking is the issuance of Civil Asset Forfeiture Reform Act (CAFRA) notices to property owners whose properties have been identified as being used to facilitate smuggling or harboring aliens.' ... icking.htm This is an important tool because many landlords turn a blind eye to the facilitation of criminal activity on their properties. Landlords may lose their properties if care is not taken and illegal aliens are sheltered in their properties. The fact that the Federal government is often negligent in pursuing these cases is big gamble for a little extra rent."

    wrote on December 08, 2006 1:21 PM:"It is in this country's best interests to have a controlled and orderly immigration. That is why we have immigration laws. When the illegals evade our immigration laws, then legal immigrants who have waited a decade or longer to have their paperwork approve arrive here to find no jobs, or more likely, jobs that don't pay well. What happened? The illegals took the jobs and drove down the wages. They also consumed government services, leaving less available to legal immigrants in need. This is not fair to those we have invited to come here to be U.S. citizens. Oh, and let's not forget our overcrowded schools and emergency rooms, or the innocents killed by illegal alien drunk drivers. Illegal immigration is not a victimless crime!"

    CHERIE wrote on December 08, 2006 1:52 PM:"it is about time that we the people take our country back. Local police or by citizens arrest or by sueing the employer for giving a job that could of gone to you to an illegal immigrant. or sueing the city for the property value going down because of the condition of the neighborhood the tons of people cramed in a rental house next door. The time is now to take back our nation that has been hijacked by the ACLU and LA RAZA and the like. There multi million dollar machine should be used to take MEXICO BACK FOR THE PEOPLE. FOR THE POOR THAT ARE FIGHTING FOR THERE LIFES! instead the cowards stay here and suck the life out of our country. It is time for everyone of you that have not spoke out loud in public to get out from behind your computor to start action. Go to town hall meetings and demand that the city stop housing for these people ...! Put a stop to the employers giving our jobs away by making the local and state goverment give information on how to hire legally quick and easy. and fine them when they do. If you sit back and wait for the few that speak out and spend all the money time and life doing for all. it might be too late! We are America we need to start acting like it and take action loud and clear. Start today."

    Go to the City website wrote on December 08, 2006 4:09 PM:"and donate to the legal defense fund!"

  2. #2
    Hawkeye's Avatar
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    They should fight the invasion but it would be nice if they had a bit of help fromt the federal government.

  3. #3
    Senior Member mkfarnam's Avatar
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    Oklahoma (formerly So, California)
    Any nation that allows the illegal invasion such as we are experiencing will not and cannot exist as a desirable place to live.
    This also rings true with, Multicultures and multilanguages, this is why the Government lost control in the first place.

    Skip, as you and I both know, California is a Democatic State. Most of our local Governments are cowards. San Bernardino City Council immediatley turned the ordinance down because they were afrair of offending someone. But, here`s where Hazleton, Pa. picked up on it. From SB.

    Escondido only backed down on it until they can (temperarily)adjust it to where the ACLU has no say. Sometime down the road, the ACLU will get knock on their ass and every City that has the ordinance in limbo will raise it to it highest restrictions.

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