The day John McCain won the GOP Primary.

John McCain lost because the conservative base in America did not come out to support him. The base got excited for a bit when he picked Palin, but when it was clear she was just going to repeat McCain on issues the base fell back and McCain lost his brief lead.

John McCain tried to out Democrat the Democrats. He went and begged La Raza and Univision to reward him for his subservience to The Race on Amnesty and they still thumbed their nose at him. He gambled and he lost. He thought he could screw all the real Conservatives in America and they would still march in and catch him against the scary leftist black man.

While many conservatives did hold their nose and vote for McCain, well let me revise that, while most conservatives held their noses and voted for McCain considering the trap they were in, many in the base did not catch his fall.

Now that the fire is raining down on the GOP tonight, the message is clear.

It is time for the GOP to take the traitor Neocon Globalists like Bush, McCain, and Graham down and out in the Party or the GOP will be gone forever!

The day after election day, it is house cleaning time in the GOP!