This is from Hannity's forum:

It is obvious Barack Obama and Nancy Pelosi want to push for amnesty for illegal immigration. For far too long, we have listened to Blue Dog Democrats claim to be conservatives yet they vote in lock step with their socialist leaders.

It is time to put the Blue Dog Democrats to the test. Email them and ask them these simple questions:

1.) Do you support the chain migration of all the relatives of those 12+ illegal immigrants who would be made citizens? This number could reach upwards of 40 million new immigrants.

2.) Do you support paying for social security, medicare, medicaid, universal health care coverage, public education, food stamps, and welfare for those tens of millions of new immigrants who would come in under chain migration?

3.) How do you intend to educate these immigrants on the issues related to national security and the war on terror?

Here is the email address for the Blue Dogs:

Email these democrats and ask them exactly what their position and stance is on illegal immigration. "Out of the shadows" is too broad a term. We need pinpointed and targeted answers to these very serious questions.