I got this off of Toronto Craigslist rants and raves a few months ago-
mass immigration is traumatic - something the politicans never let us know.

exile in my own country
I want to go home - home to Canada - where I was born - where I spent long hazy summer days at the beach - long car trips across Ontario.

Talk to me about my history in Ontario. In Canada. Tell me about things that are here and now.

I'm sick to death of Toronto's immigrants with their big, 'give-me' eyes, 'give me a job of high level and respect - not just any job'.

If I have to get in an elevator one more time with ten people who can't or won't speak a word of English I'll die.

Please give me my Canada back. Where did it go? I paid my dues to the world since I was twenty - since graduating university - I took off around the world.

I lived as a second class foreigner in your country and now I've come home to feel at home but where's my home?

My home is full to bursting with people from other countries. I don't remember it being that way twenty years ago.

Where did my homeland go? Home means familiar things. Home means I can feel secure in my identity. Home doesn't mean my neighbours look at me like I'm the government and what can they get out of me.

I'm sick of hearing of how you're planning to bring your family here. Sick. Sick. Sick.

I want to hear of how you spent your summer at Algonquin or Georgian Bay getting to know the land - our beloved land - our Canada.

Not that you flew to your homeland - to make further plans to bring family here and that you're homesick for your familiar foods and customs.

I don't want to hear your complaints about how the standard of education here is much lower than your's in East Europe.

If it was so high than why are you working as a janitor and don't blame it on your wife having a baby so soon? The fact that she was pregnant fast-tracked you into Canada in the first place. Do something if you're not satisfied. Don't expect me to advocate for you. You decided to hide your real education on your resume so you could get a job. Now YOU deal with it.

I don't want to hear how you must work cleaning out a church - waiting in the shadows for your opportunity to move up. Just do it. I feel bad enough that my culture - my childhood memories - are extinct. Take things into hand for yourself.

You coming here isn't an isolated event. It affected all of us. Your coming here changed life forever for those of us who were well-established here before you came.

I'm homesick for my familiar foods and customs too. Give me back my home.

But no you never think of how you've changed things forever for the rest of us. It's always about what you can get - what you can pillage and plunder - and complain that it isn't as socially civilized as in your ancient old world place.

You're killing me. So far I don't see how you've made this a better place for us. So far I feel drained and invaded and exiled in my own land.

You were supposed to be a blessing for Canadians - a guest here until you got settled and joined in unity with us.

So why do you live like a zombie, a war-criminal, stone-faced ghost? Nag. Nag. Nag. That's all you've done thus far.

Can I have my Canada back please?
