[/b]Hello, I worked at golden corral in PA and there were 6 illegal immigrants from MEXico that got hired there, occasionally one of them 'Miguel' would flirt with me and then it got to where he would grab my boob. This is where it really gets weird!! my co-worker complained to management that she would quit if they did not get him away from her because he grabbed her behind. she told management what he had done and they said "no, not our Miguel, he wouldn't do that." other girls had reported him and one of the managers who worked there at the time looked for the folder that he had seen before with all the complaints in it and it turned up missing!!!! strangely that shift-supervisor was fired. One of the Main Managers ( I wont name her) she has been seen picking Miguel up after work!!! Everyone suspects that she is sleeping with him. Any how I don't work there anymore but my friend still does and she told me that more reports of sexual harrassment by Miguel have been ignored!!!!! My friend already talked to a lawyer to see if she has a case and the manager who got fired told her he would testify. I can't sue because I ended up partying with him a couple of times, his sexual harrassment works with some people I guess, but some people do not welcome that kind of behavior at the workplace , and management does not do the right thing sometimes, Well I hope someday the management gets theirs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!