This is an article from Tom Flocco, a little old, but very well researched. Nancy Pelosi and her husband own wineries. I would suspect there are a few "undocumented" workers working there. In addition her campaign chest is full of winery dollars.

Because of restrictions on the copywrite, you have to go to the URL for the complete story. You can see the article at:

House Leader Joins Bush To Assist Illegal Aliens

Date: Tuesday, March 02 @ 17:15:04 EST
Topic: Illegal Immigration


House Leader Joins Bush To Assist Illegal Aliens

[March 3, 2004 -- As Mexican President Vicente Fox visits President Bush at his Crawford, Texas ranch on Friday, issues of open U.S. borders and amnesty for illegal immigrants (now referred to as "undocumented workers") will dominate the talks. The flashback story below reveals that Republicans and Democrats at the very highest levels of governent promulgate the same agendas regarding illegal lawbreakers who cross our half-protected borders each day. Personal presidential favors, vineyard investments and family insider links aside, the issue of taxpayer-funded benefits for Mexican illegals providing cheap labor for wine industry investors is just one more indication that government officials continue to fleece their American constituents.]

by Tom Flocco

PHILADELPHIA -- January 26, 2003 -- ( -- While receiving wide media coverage and criticism because she pressed for U.S. acceptance of the Mexican government’s “Matriculas Consulares” identification cards [issued to illegal immigrants] to permit illegals to enter the San Francisco Federal Building which houses her district office, a number of legal, ethical, and constitutional questions remain unanswered regarding House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi’s curious actions and investments. This, as her multi-million dollar wine industry investments are linked directly to the First Family, while her grape vineyards also stand to benefit from the cheap labor afforded by illegals from Mexico.

“The reason she [Pelosi] did this was that it would help her [illegal] constituents access [taxpayer-funded] services there,” her press spokeswoman, Cindy Jimenez, told us during a phone interview, “and this includes our office,” she added. Jimenez could not explain to us why Rep. Pelosi considered persons illegally entering the country [and her district] her “constituents.”

The San Francisco congresswoman’s strong stance on assistance for illegals facilitates the establishment of their financial credibility, essentially acting as a de facto “stealth amnesty” for illegal aliens. But Pelosi’s press advocates failed to mention that the legislator’s soft enforcement position regarding federal laws also happens to provide a cheap source of labor for building contractors, truckers, and farming industries, including the wine and raisin industry in California where Pelosi and her husband own vineyards.
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