I don't know how many of you are regular listeners to the execrable, pro-illegal, anti-American radio program known as "Latino USA," which is broadcast from NPR affiliate KCRW-out in Mexifornia-but I make it a point to listen to each nauseating minute of that show went it rolls around at six in the morning each Sunday like clockwork.

Midway through today's episode Maria Hin-hoser-misspelling intentional on my part-she lamented all of the "hate mail" she's received for daring to speak out about the plight of those poor, persecuted illegals.

Whether or not she's being truthful-my own view is that she probably received one or two genuine e-mails that were derogatory in a personal way, or which contained perceived ethnic slurs-the point is that she used this to launch into an eminently reasonable audio bite by a listener who complained that she was conflating legal immigration-which no one is denouncing-and illegal entry into this country, which is a criminal offense each subsequent time it is attempted by a foreigner.

Of course, she said this was a legitimate point, but because there were so many ties between "undocumented migrants" and "illegal immigrants"-another misnomer intentionally introduced into this discussion by the open borders lobby-it was simply too difficult to make a clear delineation between the two.

Something tells me that Maria deserves another load of non-hate messages.

Anyone up for it?

Here's the specs,


Phone & Fax
Main number: 512-471-1817
Main fax: 512-475-6873
Production/Editorial Staff: 512-471-6178
Listener line: 1-800-535-5533

Email Addresses

General/Listener E-Mail: lusa@npr.org
Senior Producer: Alex Avila
Technical Producer: Walter Morgan
Corporate sponsorship: Patty Olwell
Marketing: Sylvia Carson

For additional staff members go to Latino USA Staff Directory.

U.S. Mailing Address

Latino USA
1 University Station A0704
2609 University Avenue
Suite 3.108
Austin, TX 78712