Feds raid multiple alleged ‘Chinese birthing houses’ in maternity tourism scheme

Posted 6:55 am, March 4, 2015, by Web Staff, Updated at 06:59am, March 4, 2015

LOS ANGELES — A recent raid in California was centered around a booming industry that was charging pregnant women from around the globe to enter the U.S. to give birth.
Clients paid “Chinese birthing houses” to ensure their children received American citizenship.
Some of the businesses charged between $15,000 and $50,000 for lodging, transportation and food an ICE spokeswoman told KTLA.
Clients were told that their children would receive U.S. Social Security numbers and passports. The agencies also told the women they would be able to apply for U.S. visas for family members abroad.
According to authorities the mothers were coached to wear loose clothing and to give false reasons for travel to the U.S.
“It’s not illegal to have your baby born in the United States, but it is illegal to lie about your reasons for travel,” ICE Special Agent Claude Arnold told KTLA. “In these cases, the women were misrepresenting their reason for travel. They were concealing the fact that they were pregnant, and they were coached by the businesses on how to do that.”
Authorities are still looking for more evidence that the businesses brought in and harbored undocumented visitors.
