I hope this motivates you all to call your Senator and tell him to SUPPORT the E-verify amendment.

[quote]Tell the Senate: Vote NO on any E-verify amendments in the Stimulus Bill

This week the Economic Stimulus bill (the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009) will be hotly debated on the Senate floor. When the House considered the bill, an amendment was included in the legislation that would require employers who hire workers using funds made available through the stimulus package to use the flawed federal E-Verify program. When the Senate debates the legislation this week, an amendment may be offered to include the same provision, mandating the use of E-verify.
The inclusion of the E-verify amendment would:

Create new burdens for businesses, especially small businesses, at a time when these businesses need help to ease the already heavy burden of the economic crisis.

Harm workers who are falsely denied work or are targeted by employers abusing the E-verify program;

[b]Send the wrong message to new voters (who turned out in record numbers in November) that Congress prefers to pass symbolic and ineffective immigration “enforcementâ€