The shooting of Gabrielle Giffords comes amid America's sharpest political divide for decades....
By Jon Swaine, New York 9:46PM GMT 08 Jan 2011
Barack Obama promised to end the polarising rule of George W. Bush, claiming in his 2008 election campaign that he would show there were "no red states or blue states, just the United States".

But far from inspiring harmony, his presidency provoked a fierce rebellion among conservatives, many of whom fear that he is bent on destroying their country and revoking their freedoms.

The new Congress sworn in last week in Washington is a result of November's mid-term elections, which felt the impact of the Tea Party, the spearhead of this Right-wing resurgence.

Across the country, many individual campaigns – including Miss Giffords's – descended into bitter battles over the fundamentals of Americanism, far exceeding the usual intensity of political rivalry.

Several Tea Party figures drew criticism for flirting with violent imagery in their rhetoric. Sarah Palin, the former vice-Presidential candidate, told voters: "Don't retreat – reload".

In Miss Giffords' neighbouring state of Nevada, Sharron Angle, the Republican Senate candidate, called for "Second Amendment remedies", referring to the constitutional clause stating the' right to bear arms.

When Congress begins work later this month, Republicans will attempt a repeal Mr Obama's landmark healthcare bill, which has become an emblem for everything the Tea Party opposes due to its apparent attempt to inflict European-style "socialised medicine" on the US.

Their move is likely to fail, which may only inspire more passionate campaigning by Republican activists to elect a president and new congressmen in 2012 who can finish the job.

Jimmy Carter, the former US President, said recently that Washington was more polarised "even maybe than the time of Abraham Lincoln and the initiation of the war between the states."

The hundreds of people who gathered in South Carolina last month for a Secessionists Ball, celebrating the confederate states' attempt to break away from the north 150 years ago, may well agree. ... posed.html