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  1. #11
    Join Date
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    I have found that the majority of people I have spoken to are not Ron Paul supporters at all, in fact they still vote straight Party line true and blue right to the slaughter. Unless they are affected by illegals in loss of job, or property or some other offense they don't think twice about them one way or the other. If they did they wouldn't be picking them up at home depot and still hiring them over Americans for jobs. Now I have noticed recently, Home Depot has made them go to the side walk instead of in the parking lot. But they keep going into the parking lot when they aren't being watched..

    Yes I think e-verify is something that needs to be done but only if it is enforced by all employers. There are many here at Alipac that do not like e-verify. I am sure if you ask around here you will find out why.

  2. #12
    Senior Member stevetheroofer's Avatar
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    somewhere near Mexico I reckon!
    Quote Originally Posted by kathyet
    Ron Paul is a damn site better than Newt, Romney, and Perry those 3 are puppet's of the New World Order (you know that small little thing about the loss of our Sovereignty they are doing their best to lead us to).
    You're wrong kathy, Romney doesn't support NWO that's why they're afraid of him, he's never been to Build-A-Burger, or part of CFR, and people saying he is NWO is exactly what MSM and the Democraps want to hear!

    They the (globalists) hate him because they can't control him! "Why?"
    Because they can not offer him anything he doesn't already have!

    I like Ron Paul, I like his stance on pretty much everything except illegal immigration, I can't take any chances and that 'F' bothers me.

    Today after doing a roof repair, we drove past a huge apartment complex, 20 illegals tearing off and putting back on the roofs! My beloved son is a roofer now!

    Bachmann is who I want, Reid and the Dems. are afraid to run against Romney, he hes a C- at NumbersUSA

    They call Romney a flip flopper, everyone ever born is a flip flopper, show me a better way to do something, you better believe I'm gonna flop my fat ass right on over!

    And now they want to say the "Pledge of Allegiance" in spanish!
    Support our FIGHT AGAINST illegal immigration & Amnesty by joining our E-mail Alerts at

  3. #13
    Senior Member Dianne's Avatar
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    He's a player... and probably the most corrupt we have ever seen.... even more corrupt than 99.99 of our current Congress and White House...

    Hey... our elections are stolen... We are now under United Nations control; and if you keep electing the same garbage... more garbage will come your way.

    Did you ever have a mouse in your pantry? There is never one mouse... they always travel in packs.

    If you see that this guy ... f=politics

    I just wish hat 90% of America would just stopppppppp voting !!!!!!! Good Lord if you are dumb as a post stop voting !!!!

    Change this year... Vote Ron Paul... or take second Obama admin...

    Time for a revolution peeps.... but you need to wake up if you're thinking of voting for someone (Gingrich) who helped to steal 9 million US homes to sell to foreignors with promise of free citizenship..

    If that's ok for you, not ok for me.

  4. #14
    Junior Member MrStacy's Avatar
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    Newt Gingrich has become the Newt GRINCH as far as I am concerned. Our laws are for everyone, yet congress sits on it collective asses and lets the Greedy Rich do as they please and destroy the middle class alone with OUR country. I will never vote for anyone that has been responsible for the millions of illegal aliens being here in the first place then advocate AMNESTY to show that they have a heart. Where is their heart for the millions of un and underemployed Americans losing their dreams because of the Greedy Rich openly with no regard for The RULE of LAW, work millions of illegal aliens??????

    Enforce OUR laws, stop all freebies, and enact E-Verify with enforcement and our nation will be rid of illegal alien invaders within a few years at little to no cost to taxpayer citizens. Give the illegal aliens 18 months to wrap up affairs and leave this country, those remaining after will have any assets seized and sold at auction, with proceeds going to cost of deportation.


    Laws for the Greedy Rich that are NOT enforced while laws for the working class that are JACK BOOT ENFORCED!!!!!!!
    Republicans you can go this course and lose AGAIN just so you can please the hispanic voters. What about the Americans, you know the ones that helped defend and build this country as the Greedy Rich and elected officials flout our laws ????

  5. #15
    Senior Member Achilles's Avatar
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    Give the illegal aliens 18 months to wrap up affairs and leave this country, those remaining after will have any assets seized and sold at auction, with proceeds going to cost of deportation.
    Well, I think illegals should be deported just as soon as they are detected and captured, and their assets should be seized to pay a hefty fine for invading our country. If they have no assets, they could pay for the fine by working on prison farms or doing community service in a prison setting.. . . the point being they must be punished and then deported.

    I just wish Sheriff Joe Arpaio was the front-runner instead of Newt Gingrinch.
    Hmmm. . .if*Americans are so racist, why do so many*people want to live*here??* One would think we wouild need border walls to keep them here under racist rule rather than building walls to keep them out!

  6. #16
    Senior Member chloe24's Avatar
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    Oh, no... I think we lost some of our previous posts. It took me some time to get back, but there was one person in particular that I wanted to respond to. They had responded to me in all capital letters and I thought they were yelling at me. lol. It was kind of funny because they apologized and said they accidently left the CAPS key on. He/She also said they liked some of what Ron Paul says but doesn't "get him" and believes he's a RHINO. So I wanted to respond to that. Hope that person is still around!

    What exactly don't you get about Ron Paul? Is there anything in particular? Actually, I believe most politicians in the Republican party are RHINOS. If you look at what the GOP history used to represent in the past - no nation building, smaller government, sound currency, etc., Ron Paul is the one person who has actually been consistently more Republican than anyone else in our recent past! I mean, it's the Republican Party that has changed NOT Ron Paul. The Party was hijacked by the neo-cons.

    Take a look at a few issues that Ron Paul has been very outspoken about over the years:

    Foreign Affairs
    We pledge ourselves to promote and maintain peace by all honorable means not leading to foreign alliances or political commitments.
    The facilitation of world intercourse, the freeing of commerce from unnecessary impediments, the settlement of international difficulties by conciliation and the methods of law and the elimination of war as a resort of national policy have been and will be our party program.

    Money and Banking
    We advocate a sound currency to be preserved at all hazards. The first requisite to a sound and stable currency is a balanced budget.We oppose further devaluation of the dollar. We will restore to the Congress the authority lodged with it by the Constitution to coin money and regulate the value thereof by repealing all the laws delegating this authority to the Executive.

    Public Economy
    The Republican Party established and will continue to uphold the gold standard and will oppose any measure which will undermine the government's credit or impair the integrity of our national currency. Relief by currency inflation is unsound in principle and dishonest in results.

    Privacy and Secure Technologies
    Government also has a responsibility to protect personal privacy, which is the single greatest concern Americans now have about the Information Revolution. Citizens must have the confidence that their personal privacy will be respected in the use of technology by both business and government. That privacy is an essential part of our personal freedom and our family life, and it must not be sacrificed in the name of progress.

    The information I have provided here may sound like many of Paul's debate arguments when in fact... get this: These were actually past Republican Party Platforms!

    Many people have been under the false impression that Ron Paul is NOT a Republican yet he has consistently held and maintained these principles which were first espoused by the Republican Party. It has been the neo-con segment of the media like Fox News, that have repeatedly questioned his allegiance to the Republican Party because they DO NOT want a return to it's original traditions. They have completely co-opted the party and with all the propaganda, many well intentioned and sincere Republican voters have accepted their arguments against Paul. They are the Establishment and are in complete FEAR of him. You don't consistently attack, marginalize and blackout someone's successes (like 25 straw poll wins - more than any other GOP candidate this year - primaries,_2012 ) if you are in agreement with them.

    People do try and categorize Paul, and the media constantly brings up the term Libertarian in order to again, discredit him from the Republican party. In one interview someone asked him how he would describe himself politically - Republican, Libertarian, or Constitutionalist? Paul said he describes himself as a Constitutional Conservative, but that he would accept any of those descriptions. I see no problem with Libertarianism. As within any party, there are all stripes under the same umbrella. Those that attack Paul try to associate him with anarchists. But that's so ridiculous as he has lived a very conservative life. But I think the best description is what I found in Wikipedia:

    Libertarianism has been variously defined by sources. In the strictest sense, it is the political philosophy that holds individual liberty as the basic moral principle of society. Paul's consistent stance for the protection of individual liberty is, I believe, at the foundation of his political philosophy. That's why he is also such a staunch defender of the unborn. He certainly has been preaching about the importance of our individual liberty enough times over the years.

    Now, addressing some of the other comments that this is a forum that is just about illegal immigration and that this is your primary concern. Of course, this is a website dedicated to fighting against it. But certainly, there are many other topics/threads being discussed in these forums - many having to do with the presidential election. When I say that illegal immigration isn't our only issue - I believe I was referring to the other dangers facing our country and what the candidates have to offer besides immigration.

    To briefly tell you my story, 4 years ago I was a big fan of Tancredo because of his stance on illegal immigration. When I heard he was going to run for President I was thrilled. But then I started hearing more about Ron Paul. I listened to him in interviews and he was discussing issues that no other candidate was bringing up - the dangers of the Fed, the need for sound currency, unconstitutional wars, the continuing encroachment of our civil liberties, etc. I had to decide which candidate to support and Paul just came across as more well rounded whereas, as much as I liked Tancredo, he was a one issue candidate.

    Listen guys, originally it was my belief that illegal immigration was the single most dangerous threat to our country. And over time it has been a danger in terms of gang violence, economy, etc. But now the powers that be are coming at us from all angles and I feel our greatest threat now is to our basic civil rights. I mean, stuff is happening now so fast that we may wish illegal immigration was our only threat. Illegal immigration won't even be a thought in our mind anymore if the shtf and we have lost all our basic rights to due process, and freedom of speech/association. It began with the Patriot Act and now it's the National Defense Authorization Bill that passed. I've read that it was Obama who wanted the part about American citizens being detained without due process in the bill, and the majority of Republicans voted YES! Ron Paul has been the ONLY candidate outspoken about this:

    Leading GOP candidate Ron Paul has warned in recent interviews that the amendments passed in the 2012 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) are not only dangerous, but authorize the establishment of total martial law inside the United States. Not only does the bill, in sections 1031 and 1032, declare the unconstitutional right to detain Americans indefinitely without trial, but it authorizes an Internet offensive and online Pentagon takeover under the pretext of cybersecurity and stopping online piracy.

    Yes, America has been declared a battlefield, and average Americans portrayed as potential enemies. One front of that battle continues to be the 2012 elections, where a real battle of ideas is underway.

    To be continued...

  7. #17
    Senior Member chloe24's Avatar
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    (Didn't know we had a limit on words!)

    Here's the rest.

    Listen to his interview:

    Bill Would Allow Military To Detain US Citizens Indefinitely

    Watch Sen. Rand Paul argue against it:

    Preppers Who Have Guns, Ammunition, 7 Days of Food Can Be Considered a Potential Terrorists

    Please take another look at Ron Paul and don't immediately write him off because you believe he doesn't go as far as you would like in some areas on illegal immigration. I personally think he's got a better record than most candidates, and that it's only a matter of strategic opinion of how to best deal with the problem. I think the Numbers USA info is not really fair and is misleading.

    I believe the most important factor to consider about Paul is that he is very outspoken and willing to tackle issues and legislation that no one else is willing to bring up like the threat to our basic rights. He's been warning about all this for years and many of his predictions have come true. We don't need another Republican president who will just tinker with things. Every year we hear the same rhetoric about the same issues. That's because nothing ever really changes - whomever is in office! We need a complete overhaul of our entire system and a true return to a Constitutional Republic. And that's what Paul brings to the table and why the establishment fears him.

    Also, he's not in the pocket of lobbiests as other candidates, who have been pushing for amnesty. He's considered the most honest and principled person in Congress. At least we will know where we stand with him. How many people here voted for McCain last election? Yet Ron Paul opposed the McCain amnesty plan. He opposed the Reagan amnesty plan. We as a people, are in grave danger of losing our freedoms. It's been happening incrementally and now it has become an all out assault. The only candidate who has been sounding the alarms about this, as well as predicting the economic collapse and terrorist attacks due to our policies, is Ron Paul.

    Ron Paul's Predictions:

    What do I look for in a President? I want someone who is honest and principled. I want someone with integrity. I want someone who is consistent in his beliefs. I want someone who has foresight and vision. I want someone who take his oath seriously to protect and defend the constitution and not just pay it lip service. I want someone who has the courage to be outspoken and stand by his convictions, even if it's unpopular. I want someone who has a strong faith but doesn't wear it on his sleeve to pander to voters. I want someone who sees the humanity in all people regardless of sex, race or religion. I want someone who will be strong on national defense but will not follow the dictates of the UN to send our loved ones off to war. These are just a few of my wants but based on his 30 year record I believe Ron Paul to be the ONLY person for the job and the one I trust most. But don't take it from me. Just keep a open mind, turn off the tv and do the research for yourself. Yeah I know, people get sick of the rah-rah enthusiasm of Paul supporters. But I really don't think it would be as noticable if they were as excited about their own candidate, lol.

    Found one previous post that was missing so I pasted it here along with my response:

    Post: If you cannot visualize it, then it will never happen! But It will happen but not in the way you imagine. Millions of illegals will not be captured and put on cattle railroad cars destined for Mexico as if the fascists had taken over America. The deportations will be largely self-deportations as we turn off the jobs magnets and welfare magnest that encourage illegals to come here and remain here. Relatively few will have to be actively deported. President Eisenhower accomplished the expulsion of illegals after WW 2 in this manner, and we can do it again!! Ooouw Rah!!!

    Response: Ok, you are referring to "self- deportation" which is a lot different. This is the same as Paul's position of elimintaing the incentives which I totally agree with.

    Just one more thing - Under General Discussion it includes the word "campaigns." I assumed this meant any election campiagn like the presidential one and that's why I posted in here. Sometimes I get confused with where I should place my posts so if I am mistaken I apologize. Thanks.

  8. #18
    Senior Member stevetheroofer's Avatar
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    somewhere near Mexico I reckon!
    Quote Originally Posted by chloe24 View Post
    Here's the rest. Listen to his interview:
    Your youtube links aren't linking!
    Support our FIGHT AGAINST illegal immigration & Amnesty by joining our E-mail Alerts at

  9. #19
    Senior Member chloe24's Avatar
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    Sorry. Don't know why that happened. Here they are again:

    Ron Paul: Defense Bill Establishes Martial Law In America!

    Bill Would Allow Military To Detain US Citizens Indefinitely

    S.1867 National Defense Authorization Act = Unconstitutional NWO agenda

  10. #20
    Senior Member chloe24's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by stevetheroofer View Post
    You're wrong kathy, Romney doesn't support NWO that's why they're afraid of him, he's never been to Build-A-Burger, or part of CFR, and people saying he is NWO is exactly what MSM and the Democraps want to hear!

    They the (globalists) hate him because they can't control him! "Why?"
    Because they can not offer him anything he doesn't already have!

    Today after doing a roof repair, we drove past a huge apartment complex, 20 illegals tearing off and putting back on the roofs! My beloved son is a roofer now!

    Bachmann is who I want, Reid and the Dems. are afraid to run against Romney, he hes a C- at NumbersUSA

    They call Romney a flip flopper, everyone ever born is a flip flopper, show me a better way to do something, you better believe I'm gonna flop my fat ass right on over!

    And now they want to say the "Pledge of Allegiance" in spanish!
    I like Ron Paul, I like his stance on pretty much everything except illegal immigration, I can't take any chances and that 'F' bothers me.

    I don't know Stevetheroofer.... if Romney wasn't part of what the establishment wants, he wouldn't have gotten so much media attention. He is getting big time donations from lobbyists and that's a big concern because once you accept from them, then it's payback time later. He's no different than the othet candidates in that regard, (except Paul who doesn't take money from lobbyists and is not owned by anyone). If he's not part of the NWO now, he may very well be on his way:

    K Street is playing an increasingly central role in the 2012 presidential race, as hundreds of lobbyists representing some of the world’s largest corporations and trade groups pour money into Republican coffers.

    The main beneficiary so far is Mitt Romney, the former Massachusetts governor and equity-fund executive, who is banking on strong support from the business community to propel his White House bid.

    More than 100 registered lobbyists have contributed to Romney, giving nearly $200,000 in direct donations, according to a Washington Post analysis of donor and lobbying records. A team of lobbyist fundraisers has also bundled together nearly $1 million in contributions for Romney’s campaign, disclosure records show.

    Texas Gov. Rick Perry, who entered the race in August, took in at least $72,000 in contributions from 42 lobbyists through September, plus $77,000 bundled by a bank executive. Dozens of Washington lobbyists have also given money to trailing candidatesJon Huntsman Jr., Newt Gingrich and Rick Santorum, the analysis shows.

    The early pace of donations underscores the pivotal importance that K Street donors are likely to play in driving up spending during the 2012 elections, which are widely expected to be the most expensive in U.S. history. Republicans are hoping that strong support from lobbyists and corporate political action committees will help them compete with President Obama’s formidablefundraising operation.

    As he did in 2008, Obama has made a point of refusing to accept donations from lobbyists or corporate PACs, and his campaign has repeatedly portrayed Republicans as beholden to Wall Street and other well-funded interests. But Obama faced his own criticism this week after hiring a former corporate lobbyist as a senior campaign adviser.
    The lobbyists who have donated to GOP candidates so far represent a broad swath of corporate interests, including technology firms lobbying for a tax holiday on overseas profits and oil companies hoping to preserve lucrative tax breaks on energy.

    On Wednesday morning, for example, Romney attended a breakfast fundraiser at the American Trucking Associationsponsored by more than a dozen K Street heavy-hitters. Hosts included longtime GOP fundraiser Wayne Berman, who represents the American Petroleum Institute and many others; GOP lobbyist Mark Isakowitz, whose lengthy client list includes banks, oil companies and technology firms; and Alex Mistri of the Glover Park Group, which briefly represented Solyndra, the solar-energy firm that went bankrupt after getting a $530 million government loan guarantee.

    Perry, whose financial base lies in the oil fields of Texas, also has worked to make inroads into Washington’s lobbying community, recruiting donors to help bundle together contributions and seeking advice from K Street professionals. Last week, Perry held a series of private policy meetings with about 45 lobbyists, trade group executives and conservative leaders at the National Association of Wholesaler Distributors, whose president and government relations chief are key Perry fundraisers.

    As far as the "F' rating goes for Paul, that just doesn't make sense to me when he has twice voted against Amnesty, is against any type of benefits, tuition, against anchor babies, believes in guarding our borders. What is the criteria for these grades and who are the people who do the grading system? I wouldn't put too much weight with one group. People should do their own research and make their own determinations. If "F" is for failing, where do the other politicians rank when they voted for all the things Paul voted against - amnesty, anchor babies, welfare, tuition, etc. Is there a worse grade than "F?"

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