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  1. #11
    Senior Member patbrunz's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Justthatguy
    You think maybe he changed his mind? No way. He just changed his advertising.
    And you know this how?

    If you feel that way, then go ahead and waste your vote on a candidate that meets your purity test and hope that enough other people vote for a candidte that actually has a chance to beat Nobama.

    Ronald Reagan, the Republican's hero, switched from being a Democrat to a Republican. That sounds like a pretty big flip-flop to me. I guess he wouldn't meet your purity test either.
    All that is necessary for evil to succeed is that good men do nothing. -Edmund Burke

  2. #12
    Senior Member Justthatguy's Avatar
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    Purity has nothing to do with it. Romney flip flopped on amnesty when he finally got the message that most of the rank and file Republicans are opposed to it. He then came out against it because it was a way of drawing a sharp difference between him and superclown McCain in the 2008 primaries. So it's just part of a strategy. Otherwise Romney has no real position on the issue. If public opinion changes for some reason he'll change his position again. If you run out and vote for someone like that and he gets elected than sooner or later he'll sell us out just like Reagan.

  3. #13
    Senior Member Acebackwords's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Justthatguy
    Purity has nothing to do with it. Romney flip flopped on amnesty when he finally got the message that most of the rank and file Republicans are opposed to it..
    You got that right. If anyone is looking for "purity" in a presidential candidate you might have better luck looking for virgins in a whorehouse. Romney is -- at the least -- way better than Obama and Gingrich. Which seems to be our basic choice.

  4. #14
    Senior Member Emanon's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by topsecret10
    Quote Originally Posted by Justthatguy
    You guys who support Romney should ask yourselves this question: If Romney is really what he claims to be on the issue of amnesty than why has he flipped flopped so many times in the past? It's because he actually supports amnesty. What else could it be? You think maybe he changed his mind? No way. He just changed his advertising.
    Did you watch the last debate ? Romney has stayed on message regarding this Issue for a long time. The only electable person left that can beat Obama Is Romney. Do you seriosly think Ron Paul or NEWT could beat him ?? It Is becoming Increasingly clear that Romney Is our best hope of getting the worst President of a generation out of office. TS
    Ron Paul is the only Candidate that can beat Obama. It only takes a modicum of common sense to figure this out, why?

    Remember, THE ONLY reason Obama won is because he campaigned on a humble foreign policy (like Bush did first go around), he campaigned to end the wars, offer transparency, stop cronyism.. obama doubled down on what Bush has done..... BUT Romney, offers no change from this.

    Lets think from a voter perspective.

    1. Obama supports nation building, wars, and interventionalism
    1a. Romney does too

    2. Obama supports the FED printing press and keynesian economics.
    2a. Romney does too

    3. Obama supports the patriot act
    3a. Romeny does too

    4. Obama supports Cronyism
    4a. Romney does too

    5. Obama supports Amnesty
    5a. Romney does too. (don't care what someone says now, I care what they have always said before).

    6. Obama wants Obamacare
    6a. Romneycare, enough said.

    NOW, why Ron Paul can and would destroy Obama.

    1. Ron Paul was the ONLY candidate to predict the economic collapse
    2. Ron Paul agrees with the CIA assessment of why 9/11 happened - blowback.
    3. Ron Paul predicted the eventual 9/11 attack
    4. Ron Paul is a strict constitutionalist
    5. Ron Paul supports ending ALL subsidies for illegal immigrants. *(the correct way to end the influx of illegals).
    6. Ron Paul despises cronyism, and will end it, or work towards that.
    7. Ron Paul was/is the ONLY Candidate to push and get an Audit of the Federal Reserve!! *(partial audit). This is huge.
    8. Ron Paul wants to end foreign welfare.
    9. Ron Paul WILL END THE WARS. When 75%+ americans want an end to the wars.. that tells me, the voters are on Ron Pauls side on this.

    The thing is, people will vote Obama over Romney because outside of some minor things, they are interchangeable. Ron Paul offers a stark contrast to Obama, and people will want it.

  5. #15
    Senior Member stevetheroofer's Avatar
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    somewhere near Mexico I reckon!
    NOW, why Ron Paul can and would destroy Obama.
    1. Ron Paul was the ONLY candidate to predict the economic collapse
    (And did absolutely nothing about it)

    2. Ron Paul agrees with the CIA assessment of why 9/11 happened - blowback.
    (And once again did absolutely nothing to stop it)

    3. Ron Paul predicted the eventual 9/11 attack
    (And did nothing to stop it)

    4. Ron Paul is a strict constitutionalist
    (And well should be after a hundred years in congress)

    5. Ron Paul supports ending ALL subsidies for illegal immigrants. *(the correct way to end the influx of illegals).
    (Which still won't get rid of them, because they're here for the jobs and subsidies are just extras)

    6. Ron Paul despises cronyism, and will end it, or work towards that.
    (Because all his cronies have died off or retired)

    7. Ron Paul was/is the ONLY Candidate to push and get an Audit of the Federal Reserve!! *(partial audit). This is huge.
    (Romney doesn't have an account there)

    8. Ron Paul wants to end foreign welfare.
    (Which after a hundred years in congress should have been done long ago)

    9. Ron Paul WILL END THE WARS. When 75%+ americans want an end to the wars.. that tells me, the voters are on Ron Pauls side on this.
    (He was just waiting for? It's not like it's his first Rodeo!)
    Support our FIGHT AGAINST illegal immigration & Amnesty by joining our E-mail Alerts at

  6. #16
    Join Date
    Nov 2008
    Too rational roofer.. I thought it was da Bush, es, Clinton, Carter, uh George Washington's fault and all along ole Ron's been sitting on his ass.?..Damn him. Damn...Darn..Darn you Ron Paul. Just stand up and be a leader. Rare in Congress unless its dementia or dumb ass.
    Thats why Governors become Presidents, and not "haven't represented nothing but a sea slug, illegal aliens or a foreign country RIP's.
    There Useless. And we need a fresh stat with ALL of them out.
    And we pick them this time.
    Not saying I don't agree with them on a lot of things (OK maybe what day it is) but for Gods sake.
    I can agree on ideals or their morals or lack of..But we need to turn the boat America back on track, and thats gonna take someone thats swinging ores and I'm not talking rowing...
    If Bachman and Cain can't get to swinging, Newt paddles with his left -NO-right hand. Mitt will most likely be the one eh? Obummer dictator and chief of the Islamic brotherhood fears Mitt..Thats good enough for me.
    Sorry Joe, I still can not forgive Perry. No Joe its not "so what" Its aiding and abetting Mr. "ENFORCE THE LAW"..Never thought I'd call Arpaio a dumb ass but Perry? Oh well! Maybe he does know something we don't. Doubt it.. But
    Then I'll be the dumb ass as usual....No problem as long as my country turns back into America, One Nation Under God....

  7. #17
    Senior Member Oldglory's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by topsecret10
    Quote Originally Posted by Justthatguy
    You guys who support Romney should ask yourselves this question: If Romney is really what he claims to be on the issue of amnesty than why has he flipped flopped so many times in the past? It's because he actually supports amnesty. What else could it be? You think maybe he changed his mind? No way. He just changed his advertising.
    Did you watch the last debate ? Romney has stayed on message regarding this Issue for a long time. The only electable person left that can beat Obama Is Romney. Do you seriosly think Ron Paul or NEWT could beat him ?? It Is becoming Increasingly clear that Romney Is our best hope of getting the worst President of a generation out of office. TS
    Although I agree that Romney might be the only one who can beat Obama did you see the interview between him and Bret Baier last week? Yes, he kept saying "no amnesty". However, he did say that the illegals here already could stay in this country to apply for legalization/citizenship under his administration. He put that out there as an option to them returning to their homelands to do so. I was furious about that because allowing them to do that was a form of amnesty to me. I will however, vote for him just to get Obama out of office. He has screwed us on so many other issues that anyone has to be better than Obama.

  8. #18
    Senior Member Shapka's Avatar
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    FWIW, I'll be tweeting the Gingrich town hall from Staten Island tomorow afternoon: ... nd-county/
    Reporting without fear or favor-American Rattlesnake

  9. #19
    Senior Member Achilles's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Oldglory
    Quote Originally Posted by topsecret10
    Quote Originally Posted by Justthatguy
    You guys who support Romney should ask yourselves this question: If Romney is really what he claims to be on the issue of amnesty than why has he flipped flopped so many times in the past? It's because he actually supports amnesty. What else could it be? You think maybe he changed his mind? No way. He just changed his advertising.
    Did you watch the last debate ? Romney has stayed on message regarding this Issue for a long time. The only electable person left that can beat Obama Is Romney. Do you seriosly think Ron Paul or NEWT could beat him ?? It Is becoming Increasingly clear that Romney Is our best hope of getting the worst President of a generation out of office. TS
    Although I agree that Romney might be the only one who can beat Obama did you see the interview between him and Bret Baier last week? Yes, he kept saying "no amnesty". However, he did say that the illegals here already could stay in this country to apply for legalization/citizenship under his administration. He put that out there as an option to them returning to their homelands to do so. I was furious about that because allowing them to do that was a form of amnesty to me. I will however, vote for him just to get Obama out of office. He has screwed us on so many other issues that anyone has to be better than Obama.
    I just hope he is walking the fence (as all politicians must do), and once he is elected he will sign legislation to detect and remove illegals as he had done in Massachusetts. His record is more important than his rhetoric.
    Hmmm. . .if*Americans are so racist, why do so many*people want to live*here??* One would think we wouild need border walls to keep them here under racist rule rather than building walls to keep them out!

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