Friday, Jul. 03, 2009
Graham's view at odds with many in S.C.
By Michael D. Comer E-Mail
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Re "Immigration Redux," June 21 editorial:

I wish Sen. Lindsey Graham were the saint you portray him to be. He is not a friend of the American worker. He and Congress have learned nothing from the 1986 amnesty, and believe that an amnesty for 12 million to 20 million criminals is the only solution. Never mind there are 7 million to 8 million jobs that Americans could fill being held by those illegals. Graham is also not a friend of quite a few South Carolinians. Nine million people voted against him in the last general election. They voted for a guy who was not a long-term Democrat and who spent only a few thousand dollars on his campaign. Graham definitely is the friend of the open borders, racist hate group La Raza. He smiled while recently accepting an award from them at a lavish event. I lost respect for him when he called my side racists.

South Carolina is spending unknown amounts of money on the care and welfare of illegals. The only reason we are not in trouble like California is because we don't have that many - yet. Illegals still disproportionately occupy our jails and courts, kill and injure people with their cars, take jobs from Americans and depress wages, and lower already bargain basement property values where they live.

The solution is so simple, even Congress could do it. We have to enforce our laws including the state's H. 4400 and the federal government's E-Verify that Congress refuses to fund long-term. If we did so, millions of illegals would self-deport, and we could escort the rest to the border where they are fully welcome to apply to enter legally. And Sen. Charles Schumer's statement that the borders are secure is laughable even coming from him.

My group's job is to keep the public informed about what the Obama administration wants to do regarding illegals.

An informed public spurned the last amnesty try that Graham was behind, and they will spurn this one.