I wonder if our father has thrown us all under the bus... This thread will cause lots of controversy, but has our almighty given up on us??

How can such a great nation fall prey to corruption, and the new world order. How can we have two COUSINS (in real life) Bush and Kerry (both members of the skull and cross bones fraternity), be our two presidential nominees? What is the secret society of skull and crossbones, what was their secret goal in life? How about this:

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rc7i0wCFf8g The end of the United States of America.

We have been given many chances, and failed many of the tasks before us. You guys can see now, that our country is coming to an end. The nazi's said, they would destroy us from within, and the Bush's and Rove's are doing just that (although this did start under Clinton). Ron Paul said the other night that the campaign between McCain and Obama is just a charade, and he should know. Never in the history of this country has one candidate with more donations in one day than any other candidate suffered a media blackout as Ron Paul did. That is because he speaks the truth, and finds no other politician will even sit with him at lunch time. We turned our backs on the truth, but yet we congregate around liars such as Obama and McCain.

People, we don't have much time. This fight has to be in our hands now, as we are losing everything most precious and dear to us. The New World Order now owns the USA, and our rights are shrinking. Our incomes are shrinking, our retirement is shrinking; yet millions from third world nations have been dispatched here to see to the end of you, me and our children's futures.

I pray for God to help us, but does he think we no longer deserve help. Has he given up on us due to apathy, greed, corruption?