With Rupert Murdoch advocating AMNESTY for Illegals It Is time to junk ALL television media for good. I usually have fox on for most of the day, but NOT TODAY !! Have not even turned my television on because I am so tired of the whole PROGRESSIVE agenda. Murdoch made a huge mistake,and It Is right up there with LOU DOBBS sell out of Americans. Dobbs became Irrelevent,and FOX NEWS will also with this FOOL Murdoch at the helm. These hearings are a complete joke,and a waste of taxpayer dollars. The traitors In Congress and In the news media know EXACTLY where AMERICAN CITIZENS stand with regard to ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION,they just prefer not to listen so that they can further their political and social agendas. We are In a truly sorry situation when the last hope of "fair and balanced media" has tilted to the FAR LEFT.... TS