Each of you should have received our e-mail alert announcement about Hezbollah and the illegal immigration issue.

Much of the nation is focused on the Israel / Lebanon / Hezbollah conflict right now.

People need to understand how this conflict ties in with our issue.

There is a link on our homepage going straight into this announcement thread located here.

http://www.alipac.us/modules.php?name=F ... ic&t=35177

This is a good place for you to make comments about border security and the threat we face. We need to prepare because Hezbollah may attack here in the US soon over this conflict. We know they are here and we know they are mostly here as illegal aliens.

Also, please scan our archives for older information first, but we need more current News on illegal immigration and the terrorist threat inside the US in our News section.

Let's work together as a team to guide our Discussion Groups conversations into the arena of the national focus at this time.