I have just read a column by conservative writer Marie Jon concerning President Bush's address to the nation scheduled for Monday night. Subject immigration.

That column can be viewed at:

Ms. Jon warns against pre-judging the president's words, and further advises that Jim Gilchrist and Chris Simcox, vocal opponents of illegal immigration, are not in power.

With all due respect to Ms. Jon, that is my lament. America needs someone in the White House who is strongly committed to the interests of US citizens, rather than worrying about millions of illegal aliens from Latin America.

In her column, Jon also refers to news that our government is informing Mexico---a foreign nation---as to the comings and goings of the Minutemen, US citizens trying to assist with homeland security.

Jon asks 'How is that Bush's fault?'

Well, the answer is that this outrageous betrayal of US citizens is being implemented by the BUSH Administration. One must assume the department involved is reflecting the sentiments of the top man---these days, they call that man GW or W.

In the name of full disclosure, I must confess that I voted for George W. Bush in 2000. To my discredit, I was unaware of his strong position in support of illegal immigration. I bought the 'conservative' label and just assumed that, if elected, president Bush would be reasonable on immigration.

My error in judgment was, or should have been, rendered moot by the events of 9/11.

Indeed, who would imagine that our very own borders would remain unprotected nearly five full years after that calamitous attack by the forces of evil?

Who would imagine that America would send 150,000 troops to Iraq and Afghanistan, but leave our own borders open to any and all wishing to invade America, for whatever purpose?

Including those dedicated to killing thousands, or millions, of innocent Americans?

Who would imagine that the precious lives of nearly 2,500 innocent Americans would be lost 8,000 miles from home....sacrifices that will be in vain if a terrorist(s) gains access to America via our unsecured border with Mexico?

Who would imagine that our commander-in-chief would spend $300 billion of taxpayer money to fight wars in the Middle East, while refusing to fill border patrol positions authorized by congress?

True, Mr. Bush has yet to deliver his address.

I hope Ms. Jon is right---I hope the president abandons guest worker---aka amnesty---altogether and sends armed troops to the border with orders to keep would-be-illegals out. And authorized to use whatever force, including lethal, necessary.

I hope the president announces that illegal aliens will be rounded up and deported as soon as possible.

I hope President Bush finally realizes that a commander-in-chief who allows three million foreigners to illegally cross our borders each year is just not serious about the war on terror.

I hope President Bush acts decisively and aggressively to reverse his previous actions, and inaction, with respect to American sovereignty and our borders.

My hopes: Justified or simplistic wishful thinking?

We will find out come Monday night.

John W Lillpop is a recovering liberal, clean and sober since 1992 when he last voted for a Democrat.