I think that to become assimilatted means a whole mess of things. It doesnt mean to forget your heritage nor your country. but you give up your citizenry your alliegence to your former country. Why you may ask ? because you are now an American citizen. a patriot of this great nation. you have made a pledge to this nation , and its constitution and its republic. and we are ONE nation ......... period. and your alliegence should be for this ONE nation. You want this nation to be like mexico go back to mexico or what ever country you think this nation should become. But if that is what you want then you are not a true American and are not assimilated to begin with and need to be deported because you have made a mockery of the pledge you took . And you cannot be trusted to obey the laws of this nation. Such as the illegals are now!!!!
But you are assimilated when you understand the price that has been paid so that this country can be as strong as it is and that it is a priviledge to be a citizen and not a right . And when you get here you understand that America is not the nation you have been told it is....... its much better!!!!!
And when you do things the right way you are rewarded with A freedom that no other country could ever come close to having. and that our racial tollerance is not as some countries might have you to believe. We are the melding pot of all nationalities
You also know you are assimilated when you are honored to have your sons fight for this great and wonderful country because you believe in it and you have come to love this country , your country, our country The United States Of America as your beloved and dear home !!!
Of whom you would never want to betray or destroy because of this great love for it.
There is nothing wrong with an immigrant, with the exception of the illegal ones that continue to invaid our country for other reasons than Assimilation................
Steven doherty