My name is Joe Cook. I host a Saturday morning talk show on WNJC 1360 AM in Philadelphia. This Friday I am hosting a special live broadcast at 4pm. Since the topic of Illegal Immigration has sparked some heated debate I've decided to talk about it during this Friday's show. At the top of the hour, my guest will be Texas Congressman, Ted Poe. Congressman Poe is saying the things that most politicians don't have the guts to say and from what I've heard, I think he's right on the money! Listen Live at 4pm this Friday on the radio if you're in the Philadelphia area or stream it on my website:

For more information about Congressman Ted Poe, visit his website at:

If you have any questions for the Congressman, e-mail them to me at:

You are also welcome to call in and discuss the topic with me after the interview.

Joe Cook