
I just got off the air in Oklahoma. Later today I'm going on the air again in UTAH. I'm doing my best to carry your message to the rest of the nation and invite them to join us and organize with us.

Many of you on our boards are not responding to our current focus campaign to reach out to America.

Please take action today. Here are the details. Please post your activities at this link....

If you are not on our e-mail alerts list, contributor lists, and volunteer lists yet we need you to sign up ASAP.

Much of our time here today will be spent answering phones and e-mails, talking to the media, and processing all of the new support that is coming in.

We need everyone to do their part and we need those of you that are very angry to clear you minds, get focused, and start moving with the program. We must work together. We must work hard and smart and we must move together. We need you to reach out to the rest of America.

Several of our black supporters are working hard to get on black radio stations to carry the message. Several of our Latino supporters that speak Spanish are trying to get on the Spanish stations to make the point that most legal Hispanics do not support the illegal alien marches.

For those of you that are new and taking action for the first time, please take some time to study our organization by familiarizing yourself with our website and resources. You will also want to spend some time in our archives section to bring yourself up to speed as soon as possible.

Do not hesitate to ask questions of our senior activists here on the boards.

For our senior activists, we need you helping and training others. We need you to act as leaders and show others the ropes and what they should be doing to take action.

Our organization is open to your suggestions, ideas, and comments but at the same time we have a plan and a proven track record to follow.

Welcome aboard to the new supporters.

Let's all work together to train, organize, reach out to others, and strengthen our position as much as possible for preparation for our next campaign.

Are you with us!?!?!?!?

William Gheen