
Mj & Jake Attacked By Communist Goons!

And a retired Navy vet! Here’s a picture of the goons surrounding Bob…(his are the tattoed arms in the center of the group trying to fend the savages off)(note the pleased expression on La Chica in the upper right hand corner of the picture)

We would love to show you our pictures but there’s just one problem with that…

This is what’s left of our thousand dollar video camera, which is literally in pieces…


His mother must be so proud…

This is one of the jackasses that attacked Jake, he is currently in jail. Considering the fact that we have been attacked before for being Minutemen think he’ll get in any actual trouble? Remember, we live in a sanctuary city.

This bag of protest signs was ripped out of MJ’s hands and thrown over a gated fence…

More of the goons, the lady with the yellow top was one of MJ’s attackers, again, I wish I could show you pictures of the attack but, unfortunately we were busy, um, being attacked and having our camera smashed…(note the sign just filled with love and stuff)(and smash they did!)

More gooniness….

The good guys!

The story:

The Chicago Minuteman do one protest a month to support agents Ramos and Compean. It was planned for eleven AM and we arrived about quarter till. Though several of the Minutemen were in the area all were in their cars when we arrived. Approaching we were trying to see if any Minutemen were already there or if we were the first to arrive. We had been in phone contact with several people and knew they were right in the area but we couldn’t figure out where they all were.

While we were waiting we decided to get some pictures and videos of the goons in their natural habitat so we walked out to the median and began filming. A lady was selling the Communist paper there and asked us if we were Minutemen. We responded in the affirmative, she noted proudly the headline of the communist paper which had the story of a Minuteman rally in New Jersey that had been, according to her, shut down by them.

She then began shouting that we were Minutemen alternating that with chanting “Death to the Minuteklan.â€