

How Bush has trashed U.S. sovereignty

The latest escapade of our "faithful" president as he defends a convicted illegal alien rapist-torturer-murderer using international court legal precedent is just one more example of Bush's treasonous bent on destroying this nation.

What are the key elements that define a nation?

Physical boundaries that define a nation (geographical sovereignty) – We have been witnessing Bush's ongoing attempt and determination to erase our national borders.

Fiscal, economic or monetary sovereignty – We have been hearing about Bush's orchestration of the coming "regional currency" that will replace the U.S. dollar with the amero and thereby destroy U.S. fiscal sovereignty.

Social or cultural identity, and the related value ethic – We have seen Bush refuse to close our borders for at least six years, intentionally allowing other non-U.S. aliens to bring their values (or lack of values) into our nation and cause what is quickly becoming a cultural chaos with the eradication of our Judeo-Christian values in certain states or communities in the country – all with Dubya's blessing.

Political sovereignty – Through the SPP/NAU plans that Bush, Fox and Martin all trilaterally agreed to, our own president Bush has openly made himself complicit in the planned dissolving of our political sovereignty as the United States ceases to be a sovereign nation and simply becomes a regional republic of sorts, controlled by a world government.

Legal sovereignty – And now we are seeing our own president's attempt to butcher our legal system by subjugating Texas and U.S. law to either Mexican or international law – all in the name of compassionate justice, I'm sure!
The Democratically controlled Congress (with a few exceptions) is totally in support of Bush's incrementalist schemes to bring this country down and bring about the One World [socialist] Order.

As far as I'm concerned, president Bush makes Clinton's political treason and scandal look like the driven snow.

God help us if America doesn't vote Ron Paul into office as one who vows to restore our country's constitutional government and clean up the globalist mess of the past few administrations.

Eric Embertson
