I'm sure many of you have been asking this same question. And the reason what prompted me to present my question is for this reason. This last Sunday we joined my brother-in-law and his wife for dinner. While in route my brother-in-law mentioned that three homes in his neighborhood have been put up for sale. My husband mentioned that he had better hope that the banks don't sell to illegals. When the noise level in the car reduced down to zero. It was our que that we had brought up a touchy subject. Anyhow we both proceeded to share how major San Diego banks are giving home loans to illegal aliens. Both turned and looked at us like we were nuts. Both my brother-in-law and his wife are highly eduacted people but totally ignorant with what is going on with the illegal immigrant issue. The Super High Way just goes right over their heads. Even though I have sent numerous emails about the project. How are many of you dealing with this issue with your friends and family members? Sometimes I feel like a charcter playing a role in the Twlight Zone. What is it going to take to get people to remove the blinders