The following was taken from a PBS online news interview shortly after Fox was elected:
(Inteviewer MARGARET WARNER): "The biggest idea - or let's just say the most provocative idea - as it's been reported here - is this notion that the US and Mexico should have a completely open border. Now explain what you're thinking of there, how soon you would expect this to happen and why.

VICENTE FOX: Well, again, long term, one idea of NAFTA trade agreements is that you compete between each other, of the countries that join in that trade agreement. The idea of a community as a partnership where we join forces, where you complement your economies and you work together for a common purpose. So moving in that direction would certainly make all three of us - Canada, the United States and Mexico - stronger. So, yes, I'm talking about a community of North America, an integrated agreement of Canada and United States and Mexico in the long term, twenty, thirty, forty years from now. And this means that some of the steps we can take is, for instance, to agree that in five years we will make this convergence on economic variables, that maybe in ten years we can open up that border when we have reduced the gap on salaries and income and so on."
I wonder if he meant the "gap" in salaries should be equalized by his people earning more and more while ours earn less and less. And if there's to be no borders does that mean we'll be able to actually own beachfront property south of Cancun somewhere?