How's everyone?

Just wanted to get something off of my chest:

While going to work, I pass this home seller and I began to think to myself, "Why do this home seller need to tell me, the consumer, that I don't need a Social Security number to buy a house?" Every loan I have ever taken from a bank, they have always requested my SS#.

It's things like this that boils my blood because they know they are selling houses to illegals. I bet if I were to stop by their office, and ask them flat out, they would turn into weasels on the spot and try to get around giving me a direct answer. I wonder if I tried to buy a hose from them, would they require me to have a SS#?

I took this photo of the sign on the front of their lot:
Owner to Owner
No social security....OK
No credit or bad credit....OK
Buy here pay here