Ok so I woke up from a horrid dream about 30 minutes ago. The dream was about my immigration case going screwy and how as much as I'd try to tell people anything they wouldn't listen. So.... For some reason I decided to check my immigration case online. I found out that those bastards at the USCIS decided to change the date they received my case! On the papers they mailed me said that they received my case on Nov 1 2007. The USCIS website says Nov 20 2007.

I tried calling the USCIS just now, but of course they're closed. I just got over a nasty cold where I lost my voice. On Monday at 8am I'll probably loose it again after yelling at them. I called them up on Thursday afternoon. I got some lady saying that she can't give out too many green cards at once because she'll crash the economy. I was about to scream my head off at her for making a remark like that, but my voice wasn't good enough to yell at that time. But how in the heck can the economy crash if you let too many people get their green cards? Those people will be buying more stuff. Paying taxes. Have health insurance. They'd help the economy not crash it. But then again what do you expect from people who are being paid to lie all day. This woman also said that my background check is going to take atleast 3 months. Funny how when I called up the FBI a few months back they told me it takes 72 hours or less.

This whole immigration thing is making me depressed and physically sick. I can't sleep at night. I'm awake for 3 days straight then sleep for 5 hours then stay awake for days again. I can't eat or else I get sick. I'm stuck locked in my room because of my abusive father. You think I got anyone on my side to help me? Heck no. I'm not hispanic so La Raza won't help me, and heaven for bid if the USCIS actually listens and cares about my situation.

When I call the USCIS I'm going to ask whomever I'm speaking to what they'd do in a situation like this... You have a kid who's 20, almost 21 years old. They can't work or go to school. Society labels them as a screw up. The kid is physically sick, and highly depressed. Now that kid also has an abusive father, which makes the kid lock them self into their room. Now, how do you explain to your child or to this kid that everything your going through is the USCIS's fault and there's no one to help you? How do you explain it?

Another question for ya... How can the USCIS change your application dates? They can't do that! How do you after them for doing it? Like I said earlier. I have proof that they changed the dates.