got this in my email.


..:: Right vs Left ::..

Dear Right vs Left Supporter,

Please find below a special message from Mike Huckabee.

Thank you,
Right vs Left

I write today to ask for your immediate help. As you’ve likely seen on the news or read in the paper, our campaign shocked the national media and scored a strong victory in Iowa even though we were outspent 15 to 1 by Governor Romney and other candidates competing there. I am humbled by our victory and forever grateful to our grassroots team that worked around the clock to make it possible.

We succeeded last night because of our ideas and because of the support of tens of thousands of Americans across the country that went the extra distance and believed. I’m writing to you personally to ask you to join our team. We must keep our momentum going. I’ve already put in a full day of campaigning in New Hampshire and will work here non-stop until the primary next Tuesday.

I can’t do that without help from folk like you. If you need more information regarding our campaign before you make up your mind, I ask you to make that time now. If you are ready to be a part of our effort I need you to take 2 simple but very important steps right now.

1. Make an immediate contribution of $10, $25, $50, $100, or $500. We have proven tonight that we can win, and that we know how to effectively invest the contributions of our supporters. Will you make a contribution now and show the world, the pundits and voters across this country that we have the momentum and it is sweeping us onward?

2. Share the news of our momentum with friends and family. If you know of friends or neighbors who doubted our campaign or are undecided please encourage them to visit our website in the next 24 hours, and learn more. Time is short.

Again, I cannot adequately express my profund thanks to all who helped us win in Iowa. I hope you’ll decide to join our effort today.

With deep gratitude,