HI micmac, welcome...where have you been? We've needed you and all your family and all your friends. We're in a hulluva battle here trying to retain our grip on our own nation while those open border leaguers and the catholic church attempt to shame us into silence.

One of the things we need to do is YELL at our congress and senate ...Bush won't enforce the current laws...but the congress and the senate can do it if he won't...they can get after him with a forked stick.

All they need to do is impeach him...or threaten to...after all he is derelict in his sworn duty. As are they. They're all in this together...each scratching the others back.

Gosh, that sounds so simple and so reasonable. Unfortunately we can't seem to get the attention of our reps other than those in the House...our reps seem to be focused on how fast they can give away our nation.

So let's all get to work....tell 'em how it is...that we mean business...we won't FORGET.

And keep praising those in the House that are trying to secure our borders. HR4437 wouldn't hurt anyone unless they're breaking the law or planning to break the law...

This ain't over till the fatlady sings...hang in there everybody...